Mr. Liconti's ENG4U1 class blog Mr. Liconti's ENG4U Resources

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Discussion 5 - 2 + 2 = 5

Do not use or expose yourself to any of the following for 4 days (96 consecutive hours):

  • Television
  • Internet
  • Telephone
  • Computer or Video Game system
  • Radio
  • Digital Personal Music Player (CD, MP3)
  • Newspaper

Keep a pen and paper journal of your experience. Blog it on the fifth day.


Ashley N said...

Monday November 3:
I had to take telephone calls from my parents. Yup, that’s the rule in my house. Before even thinking about it, I called my best friend because she text messaged me on my cell phone after school. After I hung up I realized I violated the sacred oath of no media. Curses. I was worried about how I would get my homework and projects done with no computer access. I was relieved when in class Mr. Liconti said it was okay to use the computer for school work! It was too quiet for me with no music. I had to study upstairs since my mom was taping 2 shows. My dad had to work late, so I was lonely.

Tuesday November 4:
My mom keeps forgetting about the media ban. I have to turn off the music in her car as soon as I get in. I ended up listening to music after school when one of my friends told me to listen to a song they just got. As soon I started listening I had to stop because of the assignment. Drat, but it was only a couple of seconds so it shouldn’t count really…This assignment is very difficult and I’m only on the second day! I found it hard to stay awake. Again it was too quiet for my liking. I enjoy soft music when doing my homework. No stimulus…sigh. I had a lot of homework, so I had to use the computer for awhile.

Wednesday November 5:
Okay- it is definitely getting harder to wake up in the morning without my music! I actually fell back asleep twice, which resulted in me having to rush around to get ready for school on time. Not sure I like not having my music to listen to. I talked about school and stuff with my parents during supper. That was nice because I was worried about something. Unfortunately, our phone kept ringing. It was for my dad, but distracted me a lot. Boy, this is getting harder as each day passes!

Thursday November 6:
As Rihanna sings, “please don’t stop the music”. I’m really missing my music by now. Since I don’t like the alarm on my clock radio, I’m finding it hard to get up and going in the morning. I can’t wait till tomorrow when I can listen to my music again! I swear that the media is out to get me because since I started this assignment, it has just been popping up everywhere! During lunch today, while we were in the library, one of my friends started listening to music loud enough for me to hear. Also, my other friend decided to read the newspaper this week. Worst part is that they know that I’m trying to avoid the media for this English assignment. I moved down the table far enough that I wouldn’t be close enough to see or hear what they were doing. It was hard to stay awake, since I’m up studying and doing homework really late. It was very boring till my parents get home! I had to use my computer a lot due to a Chemistry Research project, and other homework. It’s evident that today’s society relies heavily on media – it is all pervasive. I have not been able to avoid it completely.

Friday November 7:
Whew I actually made it through this “experiment”. Overall it wasn’t so bad, but I did seriously miss my music, especially being able to wake up in the morning to my favourite CD. Sometimes, I like listening to the radio while doing my homework. I think I missed this the most. Since I don’t watch too much TV, I didn’t really miss it that much. Lately I’ve been watching the comedy network. The humour relaxes me most of the time, so I did miss that relaxing part. I was able to use the internet for my school papers and homework, so I did not miss it too much. During the week, I usually do not have time for social use of my computer or the internet. I couldn’t avoid using the telephone, since I had to call my parents when I got home from school. I only used the phone for my parents because I had to. I’m not usually on the phone a lot anyway, so it was not overly difficult to avoid. That one cell phone incident on the first day was the only exception. I mainly use my computer for homework and projects during the week. I chat online with my friends only on the weekend. I do not play any of my video games during the week, and lately I have not had any time to play on the weekends. I’ve been busy researching universities, going on tours, or doing schoolwork. I rarely read the newspaper, since my parents like to discuss the news during supper or while I’m doing my homework. When I have time to read, I prefer reading a book to reading the newspaper.

I think that what I learned is that we are a technology based society. Even at a young age, we are taught to use the internet. Our “toys” are getting more and more sophisticated. It is amazing to see what is available for young kids to play with these days. I’m not that old, yet the toys are substantially more tech based than when I was a young child. My gaming systems get upgraded approximately every 2 years. Our current generation is steeped in technology as well. It seems like everyone has a cell phone and MP3 player. You can buy alarm clocks that play songs from your MP3 player. My mom (who works in a bank) says that many young adults do not have land lines, but prefer to use cell phones. When she was my age, cell phones were just gaining in popularity. They certainly did not resemble the enormous selection available today. As well, computers were a luxury. And the internet was for universities only.

I also believe that families have to make the time to just talk, without distractions. Since my family already does this, I did not find this exercise too difficult. Mind you if this happened on a weekend, I probably would have found it more challenging! The similarities I see between what I have read so far in 1984 and this week’s blog exercise is that the media controls the masses. It is our source of information and influences our emotions; and if you control that, you can manipulate people’s views, beliefs, and mentality. This is specifically true for children who have not yet formed opinions of the world and are easily influenced due to their lack of diverse knowledge. This week’s blog cemented the belief in my mind that we are dependent of the media in today’s society. We really are living in a version of 1984. Remember for sufficiently large values of 2, 2+2=5!

Julia D said...

Day 1 – Monday November 3rd 2008:
This should have been one of the easiest days for me to go without technology, until I was notified when I got home from school that my 2 hours of dry land and 2 hours of hockey practise were going to be cancelled tonight. I subconsciously picked up my phone when my friend called and realised after 45 minutes of talking that I was in the middle of an English assignment and I wasn’t allowed to talk on the phone. So for the rest of today I shut off my phone since I was going to be in the house the rest of the night, not needing to be on my cellular phone. The computer was easy for me to be quite honest, I had no assignments, and I was not in need of talking to my friends. I don’t read the newspaper really ever so that didn’t phase me. Music was okay - I like to listen to the radio when I get up in the morning so getting ready was pretty dull, my I-pod got put through the washing machine so that was not too bad either. TV, on the other hand, didn’t work out to well for me tonight. I watched it, I couldn’t help myself I was bored out of my mind and came to the conclusion that just a little wouldn’t be to bad, but writing about it now makes me feel stupid, I can’t even go one day without technology and I have 3 more days to go. We will see how the rest of the week plays out. Good Night!

Day 2 – Tuesday November 4th 2008:
I knew when I woke up this morning that today would be just as hard as yesterday with a little break, seeing as I had hockey for an hour tonight. The morning was hard without music but I survived, on my way to school I totally forgot that I listen to the radio and while singing along to a song realised that I was not allowed to be singing the song unless it wasn’t playing behind my voice. I got home from school and was lost - I couldn’t think of anything to do. I wanted to check my e-mail so bad, but I resisted. Once again TV sucked me in. When I get home from school my mom is usually watching TV and I couldn’t just sit in my room and do nothing, so I went downstairs and watched it with her. She tried to tell me not to, but that was the only thing I could think of to do (I guess I realised something during this moment that technology is making us lazier and lazier the better it gets.) My phone kept vibrating with text message all day and I did succeed in resisting the urge to look at them, but I felt mean because I knew people were going to think I was ignoring them. Having hockey for an hour did help, seeing as I can’t drive and be on a cell phone at all anymore due to the new law; I don’t have a television in my car; and the newspaper was not sitting in my car; I just had the radio which I listened to for a bit when I started driving to hockey, but I realised after driving for a bit that I needed to shut it off. I just got home, took a shower, and realised that I am in a bit of a pickle; I can’t sleep in the pitch black, so yes in other words you could say I’m afraid of the dark. I always sleep with my TV on…I decided I will just sleep with my lights on instead. I guess the electricity bill is going to be high this month. Night!

Day 3 – Wednesday November 5th 2008:
Today was a pretty easy day, I’m used to not listening to the radio because of the past 2 days, the music in my car was already turned off when I got in, and when I got home my mom was walking the dog. Unusually I went straight up stairs and started reading (which is weird because I would never normally do that had I not been doing this assignment). My mom made dinner; I ate and went to hockey. I had dry land for 2 hours and power skating for an hour and then practise for another hour and didn’t get home till about an hour ago which was around 11:20., I got home ate, showered and got ready for bed. I did leave out the part that I did use my phone today, I had to drop something off at my friends house and had to call her when I was outside, but other than that couple of seconds of talking, I didn’t use it. I now have 47 unread text messages because of the mistake I made telling the girls on my hockey team I was doing this assignment and they thought it would be funny to send me numerous messages at once to bug me. I didn’t look though. I’m getting better as the week goes on. I’m going to bed now, night!

Day 4 – Thursday November 6th 2008:
Today was finally the last day of the assignment; I decided to fully dedicate myself to it seeing as I only had today left. I had the same music situation as yesterday so that part was easy. When I got home today my mom was watching TV, but seeing as I had been assigned a book to read by Monday, ‘1984’, I had something to do instead of being tempted by the TV. I also had work tonight, so until 4:30 all I did was read and get ready for work. I worked till 9.30 and got home around 10:00 because I stopped for food on the way. When I got home I was really bored, I wasn’t in the mood for more reading so trying to think of something to do was pretty hard, I decided to clean my room and do the laundry, something I never usually do unless being asked. I’m not really feeling well now though, and I don’t know why so I’m going to go to bed now. Night!

Day 5 -- Friday November 7th 2008: My Thoughts:
The assignment is finally over with, and unfortunately I can’t really say that I did it because I used technology still quite a bit. By the end of the week I got the hang of it, but it’s sad that I couldn’t even go 4 days without any technology whatsoever.

Technology has taken over society. That is kind of a bold statement to make but it’s true. Everyone that can afford it uses technology; there are not many people that do not use it by choice. The first thing I did today when I got home was check my e-mail and I had an e-mail from my dad, ironic but a lot of the e-mail was regarding technology and reading it made me think about our assignment. There are 31 billion searches on Google a month, in 2006 that number was 2.7 billion. The first commercial text message was sent in December 1992, and today the text messages received and sent everyday exceed the total population of the planet. It took 38 years to reach a market audience of 50 billion on the radio, 13 years for the TV, 4 years for the internet, 3 years for the I-Pod and 2 years for Facebook. It is estimated that a weeks worth of New York Times contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a life time in the 18th century. By 2013 a super computer will be built that exceeds the computational capabilities of the human brain. That being said, “technology has taken over our society” wouldn’t really be looked at as a bold statement, more so as a cold hard fact. It’s an addiction, in which almost our whole society has become addicted to. I couldn’t even go 4 days without using it. I have become so dependent on computers, cell phones, television, and the radio that I felt lost, and uncomfortable not using it.

Don’t get me wrong it’s not all bad, I believe that technology could be considered a double edged sword. Technology has made wonderful advances in the medical field allowing research and new techniques. The internet helps people to stay in touch over long distances at a minimal cost. A cell phone gives us more freedom because it’s so portable and you can usually contact people from everywhere. But it’s up to us to learn to use it productively and not just use it to pass time when we are bored. When I read the assignment last Sunday I laughed and thought to myself how I am ever going to be able to do that, but looking back on it now, I’m glad that we did the assignment because I learned a lot about how to use my time more productively and the downside of technology.

Bader K said...

Day 1: Waking up to the sound of birds chirping was not a big problem for me. I usually wake up to a digital alarm clock with an automatic radio. Every morning, I turn on the television and watch the news, but the first day of the assignment was a little challenging, because I had nothing to do in the morning but sit and go over my math homework. It made me more aware of my studies and work. Sitting in a quiet living room in the morning without any television, newspaper or radio actually made me focus better on my math although I have never opened any of my math books in the morning. I went through a normal school day without any problems regarding media. Honestly, I don’t own an iPod, and I don’t have enough time to listen to a lot of music.

Day 2: When I went to Future Shop, I actually bought a computer game I had dreamt of buying for a long time called Far Cry 2. I couldn’t resist going home and thinking about it all day so I was tempted to install it and give it a try. It turned out I needed a new video card so it didn’t work, but I realized I spoiled one part of my assignment. This was the only time during my assignment that I actually used a computer for self entertainment and not for educational reasons. The reason I was tempted to install the game was its features. My greatest challenge is the computer, I did not want to install it, but I was just tempted.

Day 3: When I arrived home from school, I saw my father watching the American elections and discussing it with my mother. Hearing the sound of television conquering my head distracted me from working on my science assignment. But, that did not mean I went and sat in front of the television. I avoided its sound completely, trying to restore the ideas I had for the science assignment. My instincts told me to just stay in my room all day and work on my science assignment.

Day 4: This was the last and hardest day for me. I really don’t know why, but whenever it’s the last day of an event, I keep forgetting things. Like the day before, I was working on my assignment so hard and I had gotten so tired that I connected the radio alarm clock and went to sleep. The melody of it ringing in the morning and the radio turning on automatically made me upset because I forgot to unplug it and was on my way to experience the last day of this assignment. During my day at home, my sisters distracted me by turning up the volume in the television and chatting on the computer. It was kind of funny, because I felt isolated, like a nomad wandering into the desert, not even the simplest electronic device in his pocket. This assignment will be proof in the near future on how life goes on without media.

Keegan D said...

Monday, November 3-
Today is a very hard day for me to not watch television because Monday is when my two favorite shows are on, Heroes and Monday Night Raw. Even though there was a heavy temptation I realized that I could always just get caught up on Heroes from my friend telling me about what happened and I can always watch Raw on Youtube when my assignment is over. The only time I used the computer was to work on my Culimnating activity for World History and I realized what I did wrong, but wondered if I could ask mr Liconti if school work would be okay and the next day he said it was okay so I was relieved.

Tuesday, November, 4-
I forgot completely about the assignment today s I woke up and heard music and was not aware that I had broken the assignment requirements. I did not realize it until Mr. Liconti reminded us in class and I realized what I did. I again forgot because I had a history mid term next period which took my mind of everything else for the time. It was hard not to watch television today because of the election in the United States and the fact that it was a history making decision and Iam also a supporter of Barrack Obama. Though I watched T.V I still managed to refrain from music for that evening and did not read the news paper at all.
Wednesday, November, 5-
Today I refrained from the radio in the morning because I needed to study for the second part of my history mid-term so I woke up ate breakfast and went to school early to study. I was about to turn the T.V in my Kinesiology a classmate reminded me of the assignment. When I got home later that afternoon I was just about to pick up the newspaperbut I stopped, not because I remembered the assignment but because my Dad said he wanted to read it first. It was not until moments later when I remembered the assignment when my Dad said he was done.
Thursday, November, 6
The last day of the assignment and I wanted to do it right when I once again forgot and turned on the radio in the morning because that is my normal routine unless I have a test. I had completely forgotten when I picked up the newspaper and was completely unaware of what I was doing. It was not until a classmate asked me about how my no electronic days were going in Kiniseology class that I remembered later in the day though I did well in not listening to music , did not watch T.V. and only used the computer for working on my Social science seminar that I had to do the next day. However I did forget about the phone rule when I had to call a friend to discuss the seminar and he reminded me about what we just did. I think that as hard as I tried in the past four days to refrain from technology it taught me well about the impact it has on my life. Whether I was successful or not I realized that media and technology is has become a vital part of my life and it is also a huge part of our world today.1984 is a book that is very good view of how media and technology can influence the world and that its influence has become so massive it is part of our very lives.

Stephanie D said...


Day One - Wednesday: I woke up and turned on my TV to check the weather. Then I got ready and walked to school. It wasn’t until I arrived at school that I realised I wasn’t supposed to be listening to my IPod. The day continued regularly, up until fifth period when I got a call from my boyfriend. He wanted to know what time my basketball playoff game started. For the warm-up, the coaches blasted some pump-up music. After the game, my boyfriend and I got some food and went back to his place. Before we started the movie, I called my mom to let her know where I was, and then my dad to catch up.

Day Two - Thursday: I woke up, got ready, and got a drive to school. The day went on normally. I did not directly use technology until after my basketball practice, when I called my brother for a ride home. Later in the evening my dad called to see what I was up to. Even later, I found myself watching TV. My brother was on the computer all night so it was easy for me to avoid using it.

Day Three - Friday: I woke up late today. My brother drove me to school. At lunch, I went to the library to choose a CA novel. Fourth and fifth period I was in class. I successfully avoided direct use of technology for approximately 5 hours! After school I had my second basketball play-off game. During warm-up, our coaches blasted some music to get the team and the audience pumped up. After the game, I noticed I had a missed call from my boyfriend and a text from a friend. I didn’t respond to the text because it wasn’t completely necessary. Instead, I called my brother to ask for a ride home and then I called my boyfriend. About an hour later, my boyfriend sent me a text asking if I wanted to go to a movie. I called him and told him I would like to go, and asked if he was in Mississauga yet. When he arrived at my house, he called me again. I didn’t pick up my phone because I knew he was calling to let me know he was outside. I got into the car and we were off. My mom called me during the movie but I didn’t pick up. I also got another text, but I did not respond to it. I called my mom back when the movie was over and told her when I was coming home.

Day Four - Saturday: I stayed home all day cleaning, reading, relaxing and playing with my kitten. Later, I called my boyfriend to see if he was finished studying for his midterms so we could meet up. He said he still had a lot to do and that we would hang out Sunday instead. I was still organizing and looking through magazines when the house phone rang. It was my dad. We talked for a couple of minutes and made plans for Tuesday. I was bored out of my mind so I turned on the TV. Upon watching a mediocre movie, my friend called me. We made plans to meet up. I asked my mom for a drive to her house. When I arrived, she was cooking some pasta. I set the table as she was finishing up. We both sat and ate – the radio was on. During dinner we talked about music and concerts. After eating, we raced downstairs to her dad’s office and looked up concert listings. My friend has two computers so we were both able to surf at the same time. While listening to music, we both searched youtube, limewire, and hotmail. I wanted to get off the computer so I suggested a movie. I found The Grinch beside her TV - we both agreed it is an awesome movie. So we put it in the VCR and went upstairs to find snacks. Some time around the last 10 minutes of the movie my boyfriend had called me. The movie finished and we started channel surfing and soon found that Austin Powers was on. We weren’t really paying attention to the movie because we were talking. About 30 minutes later I discovered that my friend was itching to read her Twilight book, and since I had brought Nineteen Eighty-Four with me, I suggested that we head upstairs and read. We went upstairs to get changed and then both read until we fell asleep.


The last four days have been so busy, I did not have as much time as I usually would to go on the Internet, watch TV and listen to music. Nevertheless, as you can see from my journal, I still managed to use a fair bit of technology. The more I tried to avoid it, the more it became a necessity. Even though I spent many hours reading, playing and relaxing, I found that watching TV and movies were the simplest ways to cure my boredom. I know that it is hardly entertainment, as most of the programs and movies I watched were re-runs, but it’s a mindless task and I would like to believe that they help me relax.

Upon completing this task, I realized just how much I rely on technology. I do not consider it to be a negative crutch, more like a beneficial advantage. Although they are usually repetitive, movies and shows allow me to forget what is stressful in my life for a little while. They also make me laugh and think. Sometimes I associate myself with one or more of the characters and it eases me because I can relate to them. E-mails, phone calls and texts help me to keep in touch with the most important people in my life, despite distance and busy schedules. On the other hand, I have a love/hate relationship with the Internet. It is shocking how many hours can fly by when you’re searching, downloading and playing. But then again, it’s not necessarily wasted time. In a world where technology is advancing and becoming more and more a part of the business world, it is beneficial to know how to use it. It is also a great source for news, blogs, live-streaming video, biographies and more. Anything you want to know can be found on the Internet. It is basically a 21st century archive.

This week’s assignment relates to George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four because our civilization and the one described in the novel are both denied insight to the workings of the government. As well, both are controlled by media introduced or approved by their government. The only difference is that we are allowed use technology for personal intentions, while the citizens of ‘Airstrip One’ are denied so much as a journal to record personal experiences.

To conclude, this has definitely been an irritating, yet eye-opening experience. Each time I wanted to use something that was electronic I hesitated. I had to consider whether or not it was completely necessary. Furthermore, it made me realize just how much time I invest in on technology.

Will I change my habits? Probably not, considering I rely on technology for school, work and play. Has my perspective changed? Somewhat – I have always known that my generation lives in a technologically advanced era, but I never truly grasped how much I rely on technology as an individual. How can I control my use of technology? As I said before, I do not consider technology to be a negative crutch, however by exposing myself to other sources of knowledge (i.e. libraries, archives, journals, experienced individuals, etc) I can gain information that is first-hand, unaided by advertisements, or altered by censorship. To me, technology is a beneficial advantage, however one should not limit his or herself to the Internet, television, newspapers, or radio. Also, instead of using it mindlessly, individuals should ask more out of their technology, and make it work for them.

Michael L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael L said...

Mike’s Journal.

This journal is about the four day quest in which I will attempt to restrain from technology. Before this four day quest, I was not very optimistic. However, I saw this as a challenge I had to face. I viewed it as an opportunity to test how dependant I am on technology.

Monday November 3rd:

Day 1

This was very though day; given it was the first day of the challenge. It was not a very successful day. I was awakened by an alarm on my phone; I forgot to take it off. So, on this very first day of my quest, I was awakened by failure. Anyway, every morning I normally put on the radio while, I shower and get ready for school, and that morning I didn’t. So, it was my first success on my quest to restrain against technology. Yep and as I said before, this was not a very successful day. I seemed to have no self conscious that I was using technology; I kept on forgetting the task ahead. It wasn’t until I had arrived at school that I became aware that I was listening to the radio the whole way there. After school I went home. Normally when I get home I eat while I watch television. However, when I got home today, I did not watch any television. In order to restrain from watching television, I decided to take advantage of the situation and taught I would take a long nap. In the evening I found my self very successful. I even took this no use of phones in to my favor. Normally I’m always taking all the calls in my house. I told my parents I’m not allowed to answer the phone, but this didn’t really work, they just started yelling at me telling me, telling me to stop being lazy. So throughout these 4 days I was guilty in answering the phone but, I didn’t talk on it. The next day I had a huge History test, so I studied for a big portion of the rest of the night. Before I go to sleep I always listen to music, and although I was successful in not listening to the radio, I was guilty in listening to my iPod. However, before I went to sleep learning from my past mistakes (the alarm) I taught it would be in my interest to just turn of my cell phone for the week. Then I went to sleep.

Tuesday November 4th:

Day 2

This was definitely a very successful day with the exception of one little thing.

I woke up pretty late; I took a shower, got ready and went to school. I was late for my first class because I didn’t have an alarm to wake me up. After school I got home, I ate something and I took a nap again. I then had two tests the next day, history and philosophy. So I spent generally my whole night studying. Also I had a history project due Thursday so I did some reading from the books I was using and I used my computer to type up the project. Anyways after finishing this it was about 12:00 pm so I made a trip to my kitchen to get some late night snacks. After what I taught was a flawless day, on my way to the kitchen, my parents were watching the American elections. CNN had just announced that Obama had officially won the election. Given that history was being made, I could not miss it, I just had to watch it. After I watched Obama’s accepting speech, Day 2 was a wrap and I went to sleep.

Wednesday November 5th:

Day 3

I was almost done; by day 3 I found this task to be very irritating and inconvenient. However this was the easiest day for me with the exception of one obstacle. I woke up in the morning took a shower, got ready and went to school. After school, tempted to watch some big soccer matches on television, I was not able to restrain. I ate and then I watched like a half of soccer, and then fell asleep, until it was time for me to go to soccer practice. After practice I was very tired so I got home ate a quick snack and went to bed

Thursday November 6th:

Day 4

The Final day

I started this quest on a bad note and I really wanted to end it on a good one. I was determined to go throughout the day without using any technology. I woke up, took a shower, got ready and went to school. After school I went home, ate and after taking a short nap, I did my homework, and I read some of “Nineteen Eighty-Four”. I then went to soccer. I came home, snacked out and went to sleep. It was all done and I had achieved the flawless day. “Hurrah!!!”

Short Response

I was pretty pleased with myself, that I was able to have a flawless day on the last day. I’m also pretty happy it’s all done now. However, this assignment really opened my eyes to a lot of things. I learned how dependant I was on technology and how dependant our society is on technology. Our lives are based around these elements of technology and our lives are even put in an off balance when we don’t have these pieces of technology. Although, the assignment is done, I’m going to strive to be less dependant on technology. I’m going to try to watch television in more moderation because, in the four days where I did not watch television I found myself to be more productive and I was able to finish much more school work. I also finished a lot of my work in advance and it really relieved some of the stress that I would have had if I waited last minute. So, to conclude I taught this assignment was an eye opening life experience. I learned how dependant our society is on technology, and that we should use these technological devices in moderation. They are simply for our entertainment, and we use them way to much.

Jenna M. said...

Monday November 3, 2008

Today was the first of four days that I am trying to avoid confrontation with television, computers, telephones, the radio, music, and newspapers. My initial reaction was that I had this assignment in the bag! Never have I ever been so ignorant in my entire life!

Tonight, Taylor and I called the kids we are going to be coaching for the indoor soccer season. They all sound adorable! I needed to use the phone to call all of the parents to let them know that our first game was this coming weekend. I knew that not calling them was not an option, but this experience made me very aware of the fact that people do rely on technology a lot for communication. Not only did I have to use it for calling the parents, but also needed to use it to leave a message on the machine if they weren’t home, or send them an email if I couldn’t reach them any other way.

Not only did I abuse the assignment on the first day by using the phone, but I could not live without watching One Tree Hill which was on at nine o’clock tonight. Many people would argue that I probably could’ve missed one episode for one week but they don’t know how obsessed I am with this show. In my defense, I also watched it because I know that when I go to school tomorrow, all of my friends will be talking about what happened and I do not want my element of surprise to be ruined because I had to wait to watch it.

Tuesday November 4, 2008

This has been one of the most emotionally draining days in my entire life! Today was my last official flag football game in my high school career. We ended up losing to the Mayfield Mavericks in the last six seconds of the quarterfinal game. Last year, we met them in the quarter finals and they were beating us twenty-four to zero at half time. This year, we were the ones beating them six to zero at half time which was a great accomplishment in itself. What does the football game have to do with the task of avoiding technology for four days? EVERYTHING!

Music. When we were getting ready for our game in the change room, the team decided it would be best to start playing a “pump-up CD” made by one of the players. I did not even think of the assignment until later on tonight. I know if I had thought about the assignment I definitely wouldn’t have stepped out of the change room and got ready for the game elsewhere. This is because I believe the beat of the music is only half of what gets a team ready for a big game. The other half comes from the moment in the change room when you and your teammates are bonding and are preparing each other for the win or loss to come. This is one of the reasons I have a passion for sports.

Cell phones. After the game all of the girls had their cell phones out of their bags, calling hopeful parents to tell them the bad news. I thought about not using mine, but I disregarded that thought because I had promised certain players that weren’t able to make it to the game, that I would text message them to let them know the results. Whether I was calling my parents or text messaging a teammate, I did have to use my cell phone on the second day of the assignment, which was the one form of technology that I believed I could live without for four days. Clearly I was wrong.

There was one advantage of having this assignment at the same time of the loss of my football game. It is because instead of coming home and complaining to all my teammates and friends about losing, I was able to come home and read my CA book because I decided I had already broken enough of the rules for one day.

Wednesday November 5, 2008

9:45 AM. I am sitting in religion class and I cannot get over yesterdays big loss. Students and teachers are continuously approaching me saying how sorry they are and it just keeps reminding me of the horrible game that I want to forget about. On the way to school this morning for four minutes and thirty-five seconds I was able to forget about the loss because I decided to break the music rule again. I needed to listen to a happy song that wasn’t fast and upbeat but that would be able to turn my frown upside down only for a few moments. I definitely couldn’t have picked a better song to break the rules with! From now on, anytime I need a song to bring me up without trying to sound like you’re a partying in a club, I will always turn to R. Kelly’s “I’m the World’s Greatest.”

I also realized two major events that have happened since I have been trying to ignore the newspaper and radio. First of all, Obama won!!! Not watching the television last night made me forget that the election was happening, and also the boy that has been missing for over three weeks was finally found in a forest by hunters. I believe his name is Brandon Crisp. I feel bad for him because he was actually addicted to one of the technologies we’re supposed to be trying to ignore this week and when he had it taken away he left his house. I know if I would’ve been watching television either last night or this morning I would’ve known about this before class.

Thursday November 6, 2008

Today was the final day of the assignment and I went through the entire day without breaking a rule, until I had company come over. I didn’t use my cell phone, I didn’t listen to music on the radio when I was getting ready for school, and I didn’t go on the computer after school. Then we had company for dinner. The kids decided they wanted to watch a Disney movie after dinner and that was the end of my day without breaking the rules. I wish I could write more about how I felt when we were watching the movie but I might start to sound a little ridiculous. I was so proud of myself for not breaking any of the rules, but I knew I couldn’t tell the children I wasn’t going to watch the movie because they would not have understood why.

This experience has been very interesting. I knew I would not be able to achieve the task of not breaking any of the rules for four days but I enjoyed the challenge. I am now a lot more aware of how many humans depend on technology to live, especially teenagers. I found myself almost disappointed in all my peers for taking their cell phones for granted and being so blind of the amount of time they spend on their cell phones. In their defense, it is not entirely their fault since it is the media that sells all of these products to them, and makes them believe that things like cell phones and I-pods are a necessity to live. However, what I have learnt in the past four days is that I truly need to reflect on how much time I spend on unnecessary items like my cell phone and the television because it is possible to reduce the amount of time you spend using them.

Matthew T said...

Journal Entry: 2 + 2 = 5

Day 1: Wednesday
Today is the day that I’ve decided to start this very unique assignment. I thought it would be a good idea because usually I have the most work to do towards the end of the week and it would keep me busy. I have a math quiz tomorrow, I have to continue a seminar on Friday, and Mr. Liconti gave us the next novel to read, Nineteen Eighty-Four, by Monday. It was funny how all these things should have kept me busy today, and they did, but not busy enough for me to stick to this assignment. Without even thinking, I used my iPod this morning on the walk to school and back home, like I always do. I used my cell phone to text my friend without even thinking. But above all I had the most trouble with television and the internet. It’s natural for me to do my homework while watching a little TV or in front of the computer. It’s become a bad habit. I was even watching TV when I started writing this! I knew at the time I was breaking the rules, but I thought “hey, it’s the first day, I’ll step it up tomorrow”.

Day 2: Thursday
I woke up this morning, went downstairs, and watched the morning news with my mom like I always do. I was awake for all of thirty minutes and I was already breaking the rules. But this did remind me not to use my iPod on the walk to school, which was a step in the right direction. Today was probably going to be the biggest challenge for me because I didn’t really have any homework to do, besides reading Nineteen Eighty-Four, and I can only sit still and read a book for so long. After about an hour of reading, I had to get up and do something else, so I went downstairs to see what my parents were doing. And of course, they were watching TV. So I had a choice of either breaking the rules of this assignment, or do some more reading. I realized then how much technology influences me, because I chose to sit down with my family. I talked to them, but it was impossible not to glace at the TV from time to time. I also had to use the internet to ask my friend a question about math. I never had any reason to use my phone today, though. Tomorrow should be alright. I think I’m going out with some friends so that should keep me from technology for most of the night.

Day 3: Friday
Today was tough. At first I thought it would be a breeze because it’s Friday night, and I would most likely end up going out with friends. I never did, and because of it I broke the rules enough times, and I feel stupid writing it down now. I was doing pretty well until a few hours ago, when I was bored out of my mind. Knowing full well that I wasn’t supposed to, I went downstairs and watched TV with my dad. Mistake number one. Throughout the night my friends texted me and told me about the plans for earlier tonight. The only way I could communicate with them was by calling, texting or emailing them. Because we had trouble getting together, I used my cell phone a lot to text them and try to figure out what was going on. Mistake number two. Then I thought I would play my Xbox for a while, but remembered it was on the list of things I’m not supposed to do. It was pretty much the only discipline I had the whole night. I used the internet to check the score of a hockey game for my dad, and talked to my friend for a while as well. Mistake number three. It is very late right now and after writing this I feel like I just completely failed this assignment. Hopefully things work out better tomorrow.

Day 4: Saturday
When I woke up this morning I realized that starting this assignment on Wednesday was not the best idea because I would have to get through a whole Saturday without technology. “Yeah, right” I thought. But I knew I had to well today to make up for yesterday. It was my best day yet. For the better part of my afternoon, I went to York University for their open house. I even told my dad to turn off the radio in the car, which he did because it was only the two of us. When I got back, my friend called me and asked if I wanted to go out later. The phone was pretty much the only piece of technology I used all day. While I waited for my friend to pick me up, I continued to read Nineteen Eighty-Four, which I hadn’t done since Thursday because Mr. Liconti told us yesterday that the quiz would be on Tuesday. After my night out was over, I had to call my dad and told him to pick me up. Again, I only used the phone. I got home about thirty minutes ago, and I’m dead tired, so I’m going to bed right after I finish writing this. I never use my iPod on weekends because the only time I do use it is when I walk to school, so that wasn’t a problem. I never had time to watch TV (there is nothing on TV on Saturdays anyway) and there was no need for me to use the computer or internet today either.

Day 5: Sunday
Well it’s Sunday and the assignment is over. I can’t honestly say that I completed it, seeing as how I used at least one piece of technology every day. I really struggled with the TV, the internet, and the phone all week, sometimes by accident and sometimes on purpose, even though I knew I shouldn’t be using it. I am happy this is over because I now realize how much of my life is consumed by technology and how if it’s taken away from you, for however short a time, you don’t know what to do with yourself.

The one thing I took from this assignment is that I depend on technology. Communication, leisure time, and entertainment are all things in my life that are dependent upon technology. Without it I have a very hard time doing any of those things. I had numerous opportunities to choose not to use technology, and half the time I did. I chose to use it. It has become such a natural element in my life that it is natural for me to gravitate towards it. From this experience, I believe it is safe to assume that technology has an influence on society in general. It is up to the individual to make it a good one. Technology can be used well in many different ways, such as using the phone to communicate in an emergency or using the internet to stay in touch with loved ones overseas. Technology has been transformed into an escape from boredom for most teenagers as well as adults. As a teenager, when I first read this assignment I said to myself “he’s joking right? How does Mr. Liconti expect us not to use any of this stuff for four days?” I understand now that the point wasn’t just to see how long I could go without using technology, but to allow me to see how much I depend on it, especially when it isn’t there.

Megan G said...


(attempted) Day One: Today I had attempted to try this assignment, and I thought I would be able to deal with it, but as I was looking down the list there were a few things that I knew I wouldn’t be able to go without, and few things I already do go without. Some things I couldn’t go without was my phone, since I need it to be able to keep in contact with my mom and my brother during the day, and the radio/music. When I first attempted this I decided I would try it with the exception of my phone. When I came home, it was really quite awkward, normally my radio is turned on 24/7, so for it to be quite was somewhat depressing. When I came home I tried to do some reading. But I couldn’t stand having the house silent, so I made my escape by falling asleep which was a good idea at the time, but I knew that there would be no way I was going to be able to fall asleep when I was supposed to. When I woke up, I still felt somewhat depressed, and isolated. So I decided that I wasn’t able to start the assignment just yet, I turned my radio on and felt some relief, like there was tension building in the silence. The strange thing is some of the media things I go without daily I used, I think this may have happened because I knew I wasn’t supposed to, I‘m not really sure. Normally I use the computer with discretion, usually only a few sites for a decently small amount of time, but because I felt isolated doing nothing else I managed to go on and use it for more time then usual, playing games. Also on a regular basis I don’t watch TV, only on the rare occasion, but I decided to watch it with my mom. And as it is the time where I’m supposed to be going to sleep, I think I am going to have a hard time, but it will be made somewhat easier since I am able to listen to my music. I will be officially trying to start this assignment tomorrow.

Day One: Today I woke up to my radio being on from last night, so I quickly turned it off. Like yesterday I decided the only electronic I would use would be my cell phone since I need it in case of emergency, and to keep in contact with my mom and my brother. Everything else I am preparing myself to live the next four days without. While at school it is not difficult to go without any form of media, or electronic since I am busy with work or friends. When I got home it was a different story however. I came home again to a silent house and knew that today was only going to end up the same as yesterday. So I am sorry to say that I was not prepared to complete this assignment. There is no way I would be able to live without listening to music that long. I would be able to handle not going on the computer, not watching TV or video games etc. But only because I was thinking about not using these things it made me feel really isolated and lonely, so I decided to use the computer and watch more TV then I have in a long time.

Day Two: Again this morning I woke with my radio on. It was a regular day at school. During the day I did use my cell phone. I had band practice after school and then took the bus home, and went over to a friends house. We watched some TV, played on his Xbox. We did go for a walk later. I came home and then went to bed.

Day Three: The same as every morning I woke to my radio on. It was another regular day at school. I did use my cell phone. After school I had another band practice. I came home, checked my email and then got myself ready for a night at cadets. I then came home got ready for bed. I read a little bit of my book, and then went to bed.

Day four: I woke late, to my radio. My mom had let me sleep in a little since I had an early morning orthodontist appointment. When I go to the office, I had to sign in using the computer. When I got into the chair the radio was playing, and I was thankful for that since it turned out that I was stuck there for 3 hours missing an entire day of school. After the appointment we went to get some lunch, again the radio was playing in the store. When I got home I read more of my book, then went on the computer for a bit. I also watched some of the news with my mom. Then went to bed.

Here we see how dependent our society is based on technology. I was actually quite disappointed in myself at the fact that I was not able to complete this task. As a person who would be set to go camping for the rest of my life, I was still dependent on technology, only because of what society is like at the moment as well as the environment that we are living in. Our home life is based on technology. If I actually was camping, and with the exception of a radio or some form of music, I would be able to live without TV, computer, phone, video games etc. only because of the type of environment that I would be living in. Since I was at home during this experiment, the temptations of using different forms of technology ,and the exposure to media is overwhelming.
During the time that this experiment was taking place we were to read the book nineteen eighty-four. I now understand the relationship between the book and this assignment. Through the assignment we were to experience some of the feelings that Winston feels in his life. The fact that every piece of evidence from the past that the party does not want to be recorded will be falsified to suit the present. Therefore there is no freedom, even thinking thoughts that go against the party are enough to get you killed. The isolation and loneliness that Winston felt, I had a similar, small, non extreme version of these feelings, even if it was for only a few hours.

Corina D said...

In today’s society, the media has a big impact on our lives. Most people live and breathe the media, and can’t get enough of it. Life wasn’t always that way though. Technology keeps evolving, and we are living in the middle of it. Those, like my parents, who did not grow up in a society with a lot of technology, would have found this assignment a lot easier than I have. Growing up, they did not have the internet, 500+ channels on the television, iPods, cell phones or video games. They found other ways to entertain themselves. Media was still in their lives, but not to the extent that it is today.

While reading George Orwell’s 1984, I have come to an understanding about how much of an impact the media is putting on our lives. The characters in the novel base their lives around the media and technology around them. Telescreens and hidden microphones run their lives. In a way, that is similar to our lives today because we consume ourselves in everything that goes on around us. This experiment is very much possible, but for a 17 year old student who uses media and technology in their everyday lives, it was also very difficult.

The following is a journal of the four days I attempted to refrain from television, internet, telephone, video games, the radio, my iPod, and the newspaper:

Day 1: Monday November 3, 2008

As soon as I woke up and saw my cell phone lying on my night stand it reminded me of this assignment, so I immediately turned it off to make it easy to stay away from it. This, I thought, was going to be the hardest part of the assignment. I can’t go anywhere without my cell phone. So I got up, had a shower, and got ready for school. I walked downstairs to get something to eat, and soon realized that I watch Breakfast Television every morning with my breakfast. I had to eat my breakfast without watching anything on TV, and that was really boring. The school day was really easy to go through without anything because I was sitting in class all day. After school I had a few errands to run. As soon as I got in the car the radio started playing. I didn’t realize at first that I wasn’t supposed to listen to it because it was just natural for me to listen to it while driving. I turned it off, but after a few minutes I had to turn it back on. Many people may not realize it but driving alone without even having somebody in the passenger seat to talk to, and without listening to music is really boring. I cracked! And it was only the first day! Nine o’clock came rolling around and I realized that my favourite television show One Tree Hill came on. People may say that I watch this show “religiously” because I cannot miss a single episode. I just had to watch my show, and I couldn’t keep myself from watching it. The television went off as soon as the show was over though. Finally, day 1 finished! I can’t believe I couldn’t even go one day. Hopefully the next 3 are better.

Day 2: Tuesday November 4, 2008

Yesterday was so different without my cell phone. Maybe I’ll bring it to school just in case. I told myself I wouldn’t use it though. Breakfast was again very boring without being able to watch Breakfast Television. My friend drove me to school, and I didn’t realize the radio was on until we got to school and it was too late to turn it off. I failed again! Surprisingly I was able to go the entire school day without using my phone, but I cracked after school. I would get text messages and reply to them, and answer any phone calls I got. It was too hard to go another day without my phone. I couldn’t do it. When it came time for me to do my homework, I realized that I needed the computer for a biology assignment. Good thing I was allowed to use the computer. What I wasn’t allowed to do though, was go on facebook while I was on the computer. I was curious about any updates there were. I wanted to see Halloween pictures and couldn’t help myself but to go on for a few minutes. I was better with the TV today though! Another day is over and I’m failing miserably.

Day 3: Wednesday November 5.2008

Breakfast again was very boring, but I was able to turn the radio off in the car when my dad drove me to school. I didn’t go on the computer after school because I had 1984 to read. I also had a math quiz to study for, and my tutor came over from 6:30 to 8. Telus called me to tell me that my replacement phone was in, and I had to take the call because I was getting annoyed with the number of phone calls I had been getting from them the past week and I wanted to give them a piece of my mind. I couldn’t stop myself from answering their call. I thought I had sorted everything out with them prior to the call, but I guess I was wrong. A friend also had to ask me a question, so she text messaged me, and I answered her back. This no phone rule is really tough! I didn’t realize how much we use our phones as a mode of communication.

Day 4: Thursday November 6, 2008

Again I had a boring breakfast, and I was able to go to school without listening to the radio. I turned my cell phone off again because having it on obviously wasn’t working. I still brought it to school with me though. I did really well until nine o’clock came around. Grey’s Anatomy came on at that time. Another show that I watch “religiously”. Obviously the only two television shows that I watch came on during the days that I wasn’t supposed to watch TV! I couldn’t keep myself from watching it, especially because I knew that if I decided not to watch it, my mom would be upstairs watching it without me. I am not as big a fan of Grey’s Anatomy as I am One Tree Hill, but I still couldn’t keep myself from watching it.

Overall, I feel as if I didn’t do as well as I could have. This assignment was difficult, but definitely doable. I wish I didn’t give in to myself as easily as I did. This shows me that our lives are consumed with different versions of media and technology. As technology advances, and we have access to a bigger variety of technologies, we are more likely to consume ourselves with it. Our society needs to learn that there are more important things in life than a television show or a video game, and I believe that we will never learn to completely understand that.

Anonymous said...

Day 1: Monday November 3rd, 2008
When first reading this blog, I thought it was next to impossible. I could not possibly imagine my life without technology so when I first read the blog was shocked as to how I complete this task. Starting today, I decided I would limit my use of technology as much as possible. So I did not start off my day very good because I use the alarm on my cell phone to wake me up. I am used to listening to music while getting ready for school in the morning, so I found my morning to be very quiet. I continued throughout the day at school without any use of my cell phone, which I found to be very difficult since I send numerous text messages throughout the day. I had football practice after school which took up part of my day. I did watch any television, listen to any music or even go on the computer when I got home from practice, which is a first since one of those is the first thing I do. Instead, I decided to work on a project for my second period class. Later in the evening I did call Jenna because I had to go to her house. At her house, we had to call the members of a soccer team we are coaching so I broke the rules again. When I got home, I continued working on my project but found that time passed so slowly. I constantly found myself asking my dad the scores of the hockey games. Today was hard for me, not being able to watch my favourite show: One Tree Hill. Every Tuesday I go into second period and have a conversation with 3 or 4 other students about the episode, so I dread going to school tomorrow.

Day 2: Tuesday November 4th, 2008

I woke up today using my same alarm on my cell phone. I continued my day at school without really thinking about my cell phone at all because of our big football game later that day. I did cheat again by listening to music in the change room before football to get pumped up, and on the way to the game. After our devastating loss, I went home and napped to get my mind off it. When I woke, my friend Kristen came over to work on a project where we had to use a video camera. I finished my night off by studying for my Food and Nutrition quiz. I found today to be much easier than Monday because I was more occupied and was not constantly thinking about what I could and could not do.

Day 3: Wednesday November 5th, 2008

Once again, I started my day with my same alarm. I continued my day at school trying my best not to look at my phone. I continued my day without using technology for the entire time I was at school. I got home and napped before hockey practice as I always do. I could not help myself but to listen to music on my way to hockey, half an hour drive to Burlington without the radio or music is hard to do. I found today to be the easiest day for me because I was busy with hockey, having half an hour drive there, having to be there 45 minutes before and then practicing for an hour and a half then the half an hour drive home, I found myself to be very busy and did not really have time to do anything else. When I got home, I showered got ready for bed, and started my CA book for English class. I thought today went by fast compared the other days which I am so thankful for; only one more day!

Day 4: Thursday November 6th, 2008

Today had to be the toughest day of this assignment. Once again, I woke up to the same alarm clock. I go to school once again, not checking my cell phone which is killing me. Usually having hockey practices on Thursdays, I assumed today wouldn’t be that bad, but of course this has to be the one week we do not practice. I did find myself to break one rule which was no computer, but for good reasoning. I used my computer to upload my video assignment that I was working on, on Tuesday. I later went to watch my friend play hockey which took up some of my night. I later read my CA book to finish this assignment off. I can honestly say that I found today to be the roughest. I constantly found myself wishing it would be over. I felt it was kind of like Christmas, so badly wanting it to come that you feel it takes longer.

Day 5: Friday November 7th, 2008

Finally, it’s over! I did my best to break the rules but had to at some moments. Using my alarm clock everyday was a must; otherwise I would not be awake until around 12:00 every day. I was actually proud of how much technology I did cut of my life for those four days. Walking to school every day was easy for me because I could not listen to any music. I found the most difficult part of this project was not using the internet, because it is the easiest form of communication with my friends. I did not find the newspaper part of the assignment to be difficult because I rarely read the newspaper. I also did not find the music part to be difficult unless it was on a long drive because my iPod is broken so I have experienced life without it. I am most proud of myself for not watching television, along with the computer it had to be the most difficult. Being so into hockey and the NHL I constantly want to know the scores of games and found it very difficult not to watch SportsCenter or any of the games. This assignment really opened my eyes to how much we rely on technology as a society. This assignment also taught me how much work I can get done without these necessities. I can say I am disappointed in how much we rely on technology but could not imagine my life without it. I can honestly say I tried my best for this assignment but am thankful it is over!

Nancy L said...
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Nancy L said...

In the twenty-first century, technological devices are a source of entertainment, communication and a way in which people can be aware of the events occurring in the outside world. In an attempt to avoid devices such as the television, internet, telephone, etc for 96 consecutive hours I will try to show how secluding the devices will affect my behaviour and lifestyle.

Entry 1
Nov 4/ 2008
Dear: Diary
It is the first day without the following devices:
Computer or Video Game system
Digital Personal Music Player (CD, MP3)
My day began when my alarm clock went off. Unlike every other day, today I had to wake up to the screeching sound of my alarm clock, instead of the radio. I would usually listen to the latest Hollywood news or Z103.5’s top seven at seven countdown. It had only been 7:15 and I could already imagine the next four days. Life in general will be boring and my regular schedules will change. In an attempt to avoid answering my cell phone and listening to my mp3, I have decided to leave them at home.
It has been about two hours and I have already been on the computer. In my second period class I had to research information for my Cumulative Activity at the computer lab.
11:02 Am. Its period three and I have not texted a single person for over three entire hours. It is driving me crazy! I have no source of communication. It is my lunch and instead of going home I decided to work on my English seminar in the library. This way I will be less distracted by the television, the phone and the internet at home.
4:00pm. I just got home and I decided to eat and do homework in my room. At this exact time I would usually watch “The Ellen Degeneres Show” or “Oprah”. Instead I have to do my homework.
6:45pm. I’ve been doing my homework for two hours. I can’t stand it anymore it has been ¾ of the day and I have not watched any television, listened to any music or go on the internet. My sister just told me that I have received three text messages. All I can do at this point is complain about how much I hate this assignment.
Previously, about two days ago I had to do an assignment like this one in my Challenge and Change course. Instead of having to eliminate the six devices, I had to eliminate as much technology as possible including the lights and even flushing the toilet but it had to only last a day.
It’s about 7:00pm and there is nothing to do. I can’t go outside because it is to dark, I can’t watch the elections because it would be breaking the rules, I can’t even read the newspaper to find out what is happening around the world. WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO! I eventually decided to leave my bedroom and spend time with my older sister.
It is currently 8:00pm just moments earlier I accidentally broke the rules and picked up the phone. In my household I am more likely to pick up the phone and I have adapted to this routine that by now it was more like a reflex.
I CAN’T BELIEVE I HAVE TO MISS MY TELEVISION SHOW. Its 9:00pm and “90210” (T.V show) has just started. I eventually decided that I would catch up on the re-runs later on or just ask my friends about it tomorrow.
9:30pm. I am tired of writing in this journal. It brings back the memories of when I was in grade five and how I use to write in my diary everyday. Except it was more exciting back then because I had a choice of when I wanted to write in it. While in this case I am forced to write in order to receive a decent grade.
Life is boring! I’m going to sleep. There is nothing to do and no one to talk to. One day down, and three more to go.

Entry 2
November 5, 2008
Dear Diary,
Its day two, nothing is exciting anymore. Television would usually entertain me and without it I feel like I’m basically falling apart. I just woke up and just like yesterday I woke up to the annoying “beeping” alarm clock. It was another dreadful day without my cell phone, without it I feel left out from everything. I think that my cell phone is almost like an addiction because I think about it all day.
9:45am. Everyone is talking about the elections and about Obama’s concluding speech. This is driving me crazy. I need to watch T.V!!!
11:05am Lunch. I am going out for lunch instead of going home because it will be less tempting to pick up an electronic device and because I feel like “Tim Horton’s”.
12:05pm. I just got back from Tim Horton’s and I had been exposed to music; the first time occurred when I was walking and a car had passed by with their music blasted to the maximum that even the car was shaking, the second time was actually at Tim Horton’s which was the classical music just by the doors. These occurrences were not done on purpose rather by accident.
3:00pm. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO! Its 3:00 and basically only half of my day, I need to find something to do or I will go insane. It’s only the second day and I feel like I have lost all sense of technology. I need to text someone, I need to watch T.V, and I need to go one facebook or M.S.N. I have discovered that without them, my life is boring.
4:00pm. I think I am just going to read “1984” before I get tempted into turning on the television or computer. Maybe this novel will give me back my sense of entertainment.
4:30. I’m already bored! I still have at least seven hours of the day! WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO FOR SEVEN WHOLE HOURS! I need the internet! I have finally discovered that I have an addiction. I can’t stop thinking about the T.V and the computer in the other rooms. It’s really hard not to think about them when they are so much apart of my life. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SO HARD?
Its 8:30pm and I think I might just want to try reading again. It’s 9:30pm and I have read the first 6 pages of this book three times already. What am I suppose to do with my life. I think I’m going to go to sleep.

Entry 3
Nov 6/ 2008
Dear Diary,
Hey, it’s me again. It’s the third day, finally! It’s currently 8:20am and I’m in first period. It’s been approximately 84 hours at least since the last time I used the devices, excluding the accidental phone incident. I think everything is going okay; I’m not trying to think about it too much just so I don’t go insane. I think I’m actually getting accustomed to the project but who really knows until I finally get home.
3:15pm. I just got home and I actually don’t know what to do! I guess I’ll get something to eat and find out later.
7:00pm. I think I’m going to avoid everyone for the rest of the night because they are all using one of the devices and if I stay around them then I think I will be more tempted. Not being able to spend time with family makes me feel left out. For the rest of the night I will read “1984” until I sleep.

Entry 4
Nov 7/ 2008
Dear Diary,
Hurray, it’s the last day! It’s currently 8:30am. I woke up at 7:00am with the loudest beeping sound I had ever heard. I was about to throw my alarm clock across the room. By 7:30 my younger sister had already been downstairs watching television. I could remember those days, which had only been four days ago but felt like two weeks. I have about fifteen hours to go!!
3:20pm. I had just gotten home and I decided to eat and take a nap, instead my friend calls and asks to watch a movie. Should I stay or go?
7:35. I was debating to go and flush all my hard work I put into this entire experiment down the toilet but decided instead to bake cupcakes and play a board game. I hadn’t done this in so long and was something I probably wouldn’t have done if I was able to use the television.
9:55pm. It’s almost the end of the day and I think that this experiment was quite successful in many ways. Although it was difficult and stressful I believe it made a big change on my life so I think I will conclude with saying bye and goodnight.

Day Five
November 8, 08
Dear Diary,
To conclude, technology is a basic necessity in life and as a teenager I think my life revolves around the devices. It was defiantly a struggle to eliminate them entirely for 96 consecutive hours but by doing so I have a better understanding of how important technology is to my life. I also had a better understanding of all the time that technology takes up in my life, which could be used for reading novels or doing homework. The overall lesson I learned was that technology controls the life of the people in the twenty-first century and that a person can never avoid it completely.

Michael S said...

Day 1: Monday, November 3, 2008
After getting home from school today I knew I had to go to PLASP to volunteer, this made me feel pretty confident about not exposing myself to any kind of technology. But when I arrived home afterwards I heard my phone go off. I thought about ignoring it. But then I kept getting text messages so, I had to go and check. After answering my phone, everything went downhill and my day without technology turned into a day filled with technology.

Day 2: Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Today was not any better then yesterday. After waking up from my nap after school I read 1984 for an hour. For me the easiest pieces of technology to not use were music, newspaper, radio with the exception of my alarm in the morning, and the telephone. But all the others I struggle with. Games I could not help myself but to play a little bit. The internet I used for research purposes, to find out more information on the different types of criticisms for the English CA. Television was even harder because there is almost always one television on in my house, and not to mention it was Election Day. I could not help myself but to watch with the rest of my family. Today did not go as well as yesterday, in fact it was worse.

Day 3: Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Well I think ever since day one I have less and less control over how much technology I use. No matter how much I tell myself I won’t use it, I think I am inclined more to use it because I know I am not supposed to. So I am sad to say I did not do any better than previous days, I used the computer, played some video games, used the internet and watched television. I can easily go without all the others because I rarely use them to begin with. So, I guess I kind of went without some technology. But I still failed again today.

Day 4: Thursday, November 6, 2008
Well I feel there isn’t really much to say today. I have pretty much given up on trying because technology is such a key component in my life that it is really hard to go without. For instance when we had the black out a few years ago, was that ever hard, I didn’t know what to do. Luckily, it was during the summer so there was stuff to do like swimming and biking. This is pretty much what I felt this assignment was like a blackout the only difference was I had to do without it. There was no power outage to help me this time. Therefore I could not succeed, in accomplishing this task.

Day 5: Friday, November 7, 2008
This assignment was tough because we are so accustomed to using technology in everyday life that when we don’t have it we can’t function without it. For me I consider technology to be sort of like an addiction. I know from personal experience that when I forget my cell phone at home when I go on a long trip or even for a day I can’t function without it. I find myself missing my cell phone even though I could be somewhere exciting and fascinating, it helps me stay connected socially, as well as it is a watch, a calendar, and much more all rolled into one device. This experience has shown me how influential technology is on society and without it I don’t think society would be able to go on without it. Technology is everywhere and it is the social norm in our society and it is very hard to live without. I know the first thing I do when I get home is, turn on the TV, go on the computer, or check my cell phone. Since technology is so influential over our society it is both good and bad, it’s made many great achievements like the invention of the computer, numerous medical advancements, but bad ones like the creation of the nuclear bomb, as well as many technological warfare advances. We see technology helping people everyday but also harming them, but that’s the world we live in today, a world that is heavily reliant on technology.

Sarah O said...

Day 1:
It’s been less than twenty-four hours since I began my four consecutive days without media, and I’ve already violated the terms twice. This morning, I awoke to the sound of the radio. It had completely slipped my mind that my alarm was set to my favourite station, and not the beep. I walked to school today, which seemed to take longer without the use of the radio on my cell phone. After school, having forgotten about the blog, I responded to a few text messages my friends had sent me. I quickly realized my mistake, and stopped. The rest of the day wasn’t too bad. It was nice outside, and I spent the majority of my time outside with friends. It was difficult not to watch TV during the American election, but my dad filled me in on what happened.

Day 2:
Today wasn’t bad. Though, like yesterday, I didn’t exactly manage to make it through the entire day without exposure to media. This morning, I got a ride from a friend. The radio was playing during the few minutes that I was in the car, and I didn’t realize until after I’d gotten out that I wasn’t supposed to be listening to it. After school, I spent the majority of my day outside since it was so nice outside. In the evening, my friend text messaged me asking me asking what we had done in class that day since she had been absent. I responded, figuring that was homework-related and therefore acceptable. Later, I barely resisted the urge to flick on the television in my room, but I managed.

Day 3:
It’s becoming increasingly difficult not to expose myself to media. The hardest is not listening to music. On a daily basis, I listen to hour’s worth of music – on my music phone while I’m walking or doing homework, on my computer or on the CD player in my room. Using the telephone—especially my cell phone—was definitely a close second. I still keep it on me since I don’t wear a watch, and I’ve found myself typing text messages to send to my friends before remembering the blog and having to erase them. Television and internet aren’t too bad to do without, though the television in my room serves as a temptation night after night. I’ve realized that I’ve been craving conversation amongst my family while I’m at home. Since my ways of communication have been cut off, I’ve been talking to my family more often than I normally do, especially my two older brothers who prove to be more entertainment than any show currently on television. I also ended up working ahead on my C.A. for Writer’s Craft which is, in all honesty, rare for me.

Day 4:
Today was definitely the hardest; though it was encouraging knowing today would be my last without media. We watched a movie in my first period class, but I suppose that counts as educational. Since I have fifth spare, I get home earlier than the majority of my friends, so I killed time by reading. When one of my brothers got home from work he played me a song he thought I’d find funny on his phone. Though I knew I was supposed to be avoiding it, I didn’t ask him to stop it. Unfortunately, the short song was a reminder of the music I’d been avoiding for the past three days. I ended up turning the radio on my cell phone on while I did my math homework. Fortunately, I spent the evening out with friends, though it wasn’t exactly a safe haven. Car radios, ringtones on cell phones, and other forms of media were constant throughout the night.

When I first read the assignment, I made a few assumptions. I figured four days without media wouldn’t be the easiest of all tasks, but it was highly doable. I quickly realized that it wasn’t necessarily my own will power that I need worry about. In today’s society, we’re exposed to media whether or not we want to be. With televisions in almost every restaurant including even McDonald’s, and music on constant rotation in malls and other stores, there’s really no media-free zone.

Throughout the time I spent at home during the four days, I was subjected to the music my brothers played, the television my parents watched and the constant ring of the telephone. Even if I had hid inside my room, I wouldn’t have been able to eliminate the sound of music, and while I was home alone I had no choice but to answer the telephone. Even trying to talk to members of my family became an obstacle. My brothers were constantly playing video games in the basement with music playing, so I ended up avoiding them altogether for the majority of the time. My parents, who typically watch TV for the few hours between dinner and the time they go to bed, were inaccessible without exposing myself to the prohibited media. Since my other forms of communication had also been prohibited, this lack of conversation became increasingly irritating as the days past. I did a lot of reading and a lot of homework, spending extra time on the assignments that were due, and getting a head start on those that weren’t due for quite some time.

I’m fortunate enough to have several friends who live on, or close to my street and whom I can call on without having to call ahead of time. It was with these friends that I spent the majority of my time during the 96 hours. I’d expected this time to be the easiest to shield out media, but there proved to be just as many unexpected media intrusions outside as there had been at home. The ringtones of my friend’s cell phones, the radios in their cars, the songs playing inside almost every place we went, the media was unavoidable no matter where I was.

I had figured I’d end up reading more and spending a little extra time on homework. Those results were expected. However, there were other results to limiting my exposure to media that were unexpected. Over the past four days, I got more sleep than I have in a long time. I was no longer convincing myself to stay up late enough to watch a certain television show, finish watching a movie, listen to a certain song one more time, or conclude a television or MSN conversation. I was also surprised to find myself craving conversations that extended further than the typical one-syllable responses.

Though it proves to be beneficial at times, the fact that the media is unavoidable is alarming. Today’s society, particularly my generation, relies so heavily on media as the majority of their entertainment, communication and education, that going even four days without it seems inconceivable. That being said, I’m not exactly willing to give up my music any time soon, but I do think it is a good idea to monitor and limit exposure to the media. It would be all too easy for our society to become the perpetrator and victim of a technological disaster.

Virginia L said...

I started thinking about this English assignment ever since I read the post (Monday).
I thought it was unusual but yet simple to accomplish. My first reaction was to think about how and why I use technology in order to prevent myself from using it, but yet my outcomes were not as simple as I thought:

Day 1.
Wednesday November 5th, 2008

My world without technology:
At morning, I had to ask my mom to wake me up because I usually use my cell phone as my alarm clock. Then, I had to ask my boyfriend a day early to come to my house at 7:45 on Wednesday because I wouldn’t be able to call him when I was ready (because we usually walk to school together).
Later on, I had to use the computer for my business course, and it was sort of a relief the fact that I could consciously be ‘cheating’ without actually doing so. Anyways it wasn’t much fun because I had to get two jobs done by the end of the period, so I wasn’t able to check my emails or anything.
The rest of my day was consumed by studying religion and spending the day with my best friend.
I thought that by doing so (keeping my self occupied), I’d be better off keeping my assignment intact, but I was wrong. As soon as I got to my friend’s house she turn on her laptop and put music on. I guess I didn’t really cheated because I didn’t use her laptop and ask her to turn the music off just for today.
I was already getting the feeling that the assignment was harder to accomplish than I thought but I didn’t want to give up just yet.

Day 2.
Thursday November 6th, 2008

My world without technology:
Again my mom woke me up and I waited for my boyfriend who showed up a little bit late, so I was late for my first class. Still I refused to give him a call to see if he remembered to come or simply to ask him (very politely lol) to hurry up.
Either way my second class was easy this time, and I took a little bit more freedom and went ahead to check my hotmail, but I had nothing new so it was only a short lapse of ‘freedom’.
And I realize now that I am writing my good copy into my computer, how I actually used the word freedom in my rough copy. I find this funny now because I realize, technology is probably a contrasting idea of freedom (doublethink, maybe) since it uses up my time in a not so important task, while preventing me from doing something that is actually useful.
Anyways, the rest of my day was spent reading Nineteen eighty- four which I found quit interesting after I got the first really bizarre part done (and I started understanding more where the book was going).
After this I only went out to eat pizza with my mom and we went to pick up my brother from work. Then again music was my problem but my mom refused to turn it off because she thought I was over exaggerating the point of my assignment.
I went to bed a little hesitating to listen to my iPod (like I usually do) before falling sleep. Either way, I managed to sleep without music.

Day 3.
Friday November 7th, 2008

My world without technology:
Really?, up until now I believed I had done a pretty good job (compared to the technology I usually use), and although I had cheated, I though I was been fair enough since I had avoided the computer, the phone, the music, the TV and my cell phone without much cheating (the newspaper isn’t really a problem).
But it was Friday and I knew it was going to be a pretty tough day to go on without technology. Still I tried and as far as school went I was OK (no iPod or cell phone).
Then as soon as I got home my mom called and I had to answer because you have to answer to her or else you are up for it (‘where were you?, I‘ve been calling like crazy‘). I So I answered and she told me she was going to the gym and after she was going with Linda and some others out to dinner. After I hung up, I realized I’d forgotten to ask her for permission to go over to my boyfriend’s house because we were having a party. So I had to call her using the excuse again that it was ’the mom’ and I totally had to do it.
Around 8 o’clock I started getting a lot of phone calls but I didn’t answer because I knew it was probably because of the party, but they could call somebody else for details.
So I spent my afternoon again reading Nineteen Eighty-four and avoiding technology. It was hard thought, at dinner time I had to watch TV because my brother was watching it at the dinning room (truly I could’ve eaten in my room, but I didn’t).
Then I got ready and went to the party in which of course there was music and I couldn’t really ask them to turn it off (pretty lame I guess), so I cheated again.
I went home feeling guilty (and tipsy) for not keeping my duty.

Day 4.
Saturday 8th, 2008

My world without technology:
I had pretty much cheated in every aspect: phone, TV and music. I felt good to know I had not yet really cheated on the computer or video games (video games is even less difficult for me than newspapers, and I never read newspapers).
I had tried quit hard but I knew I could’ve done better if I wanted to, some of my cheatings were actually pretty open (like staying to watch TV with my brother) and I knew it, but yet I could not help but notice I had follow somehow.
I knew this because I had accomplish a great deal of tasks during this four days. I had studied hard for economics (notice the word HARD) , I cleaned my bedroom (which I never do), and I had almost finished nineteen eighty-four.
I spent today with my boyfriend, my brother and other two friends. Then I went back home because my mom called my cell phone (and I had to answer), and invited my to the gym, which of course I couldn’t say no (is the mom right?)
We finished around 6 o’clock and I got pretty bored to be honest, so I decided to take a shower and stay on the bath tub as long as possible to avoid ‘temptation’. I couldn’t do it. As soon as I got out I had to turn on the TV, even knowing that I was only hours away of successfully finishing my assignment.

In short, my days without technology can be better described as days with less technology, but yet more consciously spent. I realized that sometimes I tend to depend too much in technology via media or communication, and so when I was presented with a world that did not had this comforts, I simply didn’t know what to do.
I was anxious and somehow desperate to have something (even an hour of TV) where I could feel guilt free for doing something that I’m so accustomed to and that it feels you “almost feel you have a right to”.

Leanne M said...

Day 1: 6:42 A.M, my radio goes off. Not a good way to start the assignment. I know that this blog challenge is going to be difficult for me because I am very dependent on the media and technology. When I got home from school I started to read my CA novel but fell asleep within the first 20 pages. When i woke up, out of sheer habit I went on the computer to check my e-mail until I realized that I was trying to complete an English assignment.

Day 2: Luckily my cellular phone died during the night and i forgot to charge it so I was without my phone after school and during work. Being at work made it very easy to follow the rules except that there is always a radio playing constantly and I couldn’t ask my employer to turn it off so I sat through five and a half hours of music. Other then the inescapable music, and one hour of television (the new 90210), I was able to complete the challenge as best as I could.

Day 3: Complete failure! 6:42 A.M, my radio goes off again. During the school day I was good and without exposure to any media sources, but when I got home I talked on the phone to my sister (who lives in Toronto, which is not too far but I haven’t seen her in a while) and my friend. I tried to read some more of my CA novel but I fell asleep again. Afterwards, I took my dog for a walk but brought my iPod along with me. I didn’t watch television but I did listen to the radio again in the car and used the internet and MSN. This day made me realize how dependent I am on the media.

Day 4: Today I used my mother as an alarm clock and remembered to not listen to the radio in the morning. When I got home from school I decided to read part of 1984 and play with my dog. I refrained from watching television, using the phone and listening to music except when I was in the car. Luckily at my hockey game, the iPod speakers were forgotten so I didn’t listen to music. I was very proud of myself that I was able to come home after hockey and not watch television because Grey’s Anatomy was on (which was very challenging for me not to watch). By the last day I realized that living without the media is not a simple task but it not an impossible one either.

I have discovered a world where I am not tied down to the media, even if it was for a few hours at a time. In these short hours I would spend time reading and expanding my education instead of just mindlessly entertaining myself with television. I was also able to catch up on sleep, which makes me function a lot better in classes because I don’t zone out as often.

This relates to George Orwell’s 1984 because our society, like theirs the government is secretive about all decisions (I am not saying that our government keeps everything from us, but there are a few things kept secret). Also the media is used to control the citizen’s lives, much like how we rely on the media to make it through one day.

In conclusion the media is everywhere in our lives and it is almost impossible to avoid. To try and avoid the media takes effort and a strong will because as teenagers we have grown up writing emails and the talking on the phone, but not actually taking the time to write letters to or visit our friends and family. I found this extremely challenging but doable and although I am proud of myself for completing the task, i don’t think I could live without Television, Internet, Telephone, Computer or Video Game system, Radio, and Digital Personal Music Player forever.

Daniel A said...

Day 1 :

It’s day one of my experience of lasting four days without any form of media having an influence on me. I began this trial at 12:00pm on Monday night, my original thoughts were “this is going to be so easy for me, I barley ever expose myself to those forms of media listed”. Boy was I wrong, in the morning on my way to drop my mom off at the train, I fell into my routine of listening to my cd in the car. I was quite disappointed in myself, but I continued on and tried harder this time. When arriving at school I walked into the café and heard music playing. With my memory filled with those old classics that the lunch ladies always play, I began to sing along. I soon realized that I was doing it again, subconsciously though, so I ran out as fast as possible. Lunch at home wasn’t so tough, I read a book, eat lunch, and had a short nap. It’s when I arrived home that the temptation began, first with the phone ringing, and secondly with the my father watching television. But due to the large amounts of homework I had that day, it was easy to stay away from those forms of media.

Day 2 :

All in all this day was a lot tougher than the first, though I am adjusting to the routine of not exposing myself to the influences media has on us. Once I arrived at school I was greeted with the information that “we will be watching a movie today, due to Mr. Burke’ absence”. Boy did I quiver in my seat, good thing I had some studying to do, but in all truth I did watch some of the movie. Upon my arrival home, I found myself with a lot of extra time, this is when reality started to kick in. Questions like “Wow, does media have that large of an influential impact on my subconscious that I don’t even know I am exposing myself to it day in and day out”. Well my conclusion was yes media does have a huge impact on me, and we don’t even notice it. I began to ponder not only this question but I actually had time to think about a math problem that I was trying to solve. In all honestly I would have problem been listening to music or watching TV instead of thinking about math. As my day approaches to an end I have figured out that this assignment is harder than it looks. I mean I am around a TV, a radio, the internet, and a telephone all day, without being tempted to use it, and Michael Jackson thought he had it bad with the 40 days of temptation from one girl. See if I weren’t so influenced by music I wouldn’t have know that line in the song. Anyways, I read for the rest of the day, which was about 3 hours until I would fall asleep. I never knew that TV and other forms of media take up so much of my valuable day, I mean I could be out saving the world like superman.

Day 3 :

I think I am finally adjusting to the beneficial routine of no media influences such as TV. Today was uneventful once again media was forced around me but I tired my best and succeeded in not partaking in it. It just goes to show that media has control over us not the other way around. I can’t control what other people do around me, and therefore no matter where I go I will be susceptible to media, but it is my choice to earthier partake in it or to avoid it. Finally I must admit that I cheated a bit today by listening to my cd when driving home with a couple of friends. Though it was my car, I gave into the majority that wanted to listen to music.

Day 4:

It’s finally over.
I can live again.
Those were my exact thoughts that I had in my mind at the time, as I began my celebration by watching tv I began to realize that I have fallen back under the control of the media. I have broken my fast, but I don’t feel good about it.

What I learned from this whole experience is that, today’s society bases it’s time on media. The affect that media then has on society controls every individual that gives into the temptation of media. The relation that I made between this assignment and 1984 just like 1984, media has control over the majority of people. Due to the fact that media targets the majority of people, those who represent the minority have no control of it what so ever. Though our day and age is not as strict as the one in 1984, we may not notice it but we are heading towards that era. In conclusion I feel that this assignment was a good indicator of the affects that media has on each and every individual.

Raza K said...


Wednesday, November 5th.

Wednesday was the day which I wanted to start my Anti-technology/media famine. I, the not-so-much early bird, woke up at 7:15 AM, late, to the sound of my cell phone alarm, which in a way, was a broken rule but was necessary. I went to the kitchen for a glass of chocolate milk and ended up having a quick glance at the screen of the television which was turned on as my father was watching BT. I ended up listening to the interesting news on the radio as I was being driven to school. This was not intentional since my father does not like to miss the news from the AM 640 news team. As I walked from the car to my class, I felt an un-controllable urge for my iPod as if I were a crack fiend. I had my IPod in my pocket since I always carry it with me for emergencies although I am sure that no emergencies would require an iPod. I decided to turn on my iPod and listen to Shiver by Coldplay since I thought it was appropriate for the moment. As I engaged myself in the amazing music, I felt an outmost guilt since now I was intentionally breaking a rule. After my first period class, I made my way to my family studies class with the Skullcandy™ earphones tucked in where they belonged, in my ears. I walked into my class with a feeling of relaxation since I, the criminal, had not encountered Mr.Liconti in the hallways. I put my iPod away as I laughed after being told by a fellow from our English class, that I was breaking the rule. At lunch, I ended up working on my family studies assignment which required the use of a computer, during which I felt an urge for the iPod, but I controlled it. I drove home after school, and made sure I made no use of the stereo system. After school I gazed at Juliette, my cat, as I sat in my room, unsatisfied with the attempt I made to avoid music. Music is the only thing I feared to avoid as I consider it an element of life, an addiction and a force that I cannot separate myself from, anything else would be a piece of cake. I rang my friend, to ask him if he wanted to hit the gym since it would kill the time in a fast manner. We peeled out of the street in his father’s Charger R/T as we listened to The Drill remix by Tiesto. After dinner, I finished my math homework. At around 6:30 I went into the basement and turned on the TV as a part of my commitment to not miss a single raptors game in the season. After giving the Pistons a hard time, the raptors lost, which meant turning the TV off. And so I did. I went to bed at around 11:30 after reading nineteen eighty-four by George Orwell.

Thursday, November the 6th.

I woke up late again, this time I decided to leave the iPod behind so I could not access it no matter how bad I wanted to. The usual activities took place. After school I picked up my guitar and tried playing some old tunes that I had to learn from my teacher, Jimmy. I went online on the computer to research my seminar topic for my family studies class. I ended up on Facebook since my group members and I decided to send each other messages on Facebook. I read the same two novels today and went to bed at around the same time as well. Tonight I did put some Hendrix on, before I slept. Hey Joe was the track that evolved into Voodoo Child, as I dreamt of the day when I would be complete. And the completion would come only with an Audi R8……..

Friday, 7th November.

I came home after school, and turned on the PS3 since I had not played it for a while. I played “Hitman: Blood money” today. I felt guilty but there was not much to do but read, and reading the same two works was making me sick. I tried text messaging my buddy to ask him if he was in a mood for some hookah, but he did not show up. I did not go online today, or watch TV but I did listen to my iPod again. Today I decided to start an intense reading cycle of nineteen eighty-four, and so I started to read after dinner and continued to read until I fell asleep, which was at around twelve. To be honest, I did take “game breaks” during my reading session. The raptors played the Atlanta hawks today so I went to check the score after every 15 minutes or so.

Saturday, 8th November.

Today I woke up late, at around 11. Used the lavatory and headed downstairs, towards the kitchen. I then made myself a nice mozzarella cheese and sausage omelette. I read nineteen eighty-four till five o’ clock today. I went to a group member’s house for our presentation rehearsal, which involved PowerPoint and therefore a computer. After the rehearsal, we listened to music as each of us waited for our rides. After dinner, I read until the moment my eyes couldn’t stay open. Today I did not use technology for my own benefit at all. Finally the famine was over.

To conclude, I will not make unrealistic statements, but will say that this was the hardest set of 4 days I had to live through in a while. Controlling my urge for music was personally the hardest thing, since music lives in me and I in music. The second hardest thing has to be not using the computer to sync the iPod with fresh music for my ears. Since I do not watch television that much anyways, I did not have a lot of trouble not watching TV except the Toronto Raptors games. As for newspaper, I do not read the newspaper except the “wheels” section, which I did read today, on Sunday, since my four days were done yesterday night.

I found that this exercise did help me in a way. I had a lot more time to read once I realized that a lot of my time was being devoted to secondary forms on literature such as music and television. This also allowed me to cover significant parts of Nineteen eighty-four in a short periods of time. When I read The wars, I gave too little a time to the book and therefore my marks suffered. The conclusion that I found out of this activity is that I was able to “educate my imagination” (Frye) more, since I paid less attention to all the useless means of entertainment, the modern society is mother to and simply read.

Natalie L said...

Monday, November 3rd:
I managed to successfully avoid my cell phone for the first half of the day but later on I used it to text my group members. On Monday I had a lot of homework making it an easy task to avoid electronics, that was until nine o’clock. At nine o’clock I watched One Tree Hill my favourite TV show, I would have just missed it but its hard to find reruns for it. It was hard to resist the show when I could hear it being played in the next room. I under estimated the task of avoiding electronics, I knew it would be difficult. I made the assumption that if I kept myself occupied I would not have the free time to be tempted by such electronics.

Tuesday, November 4th
The second day was probably the easiest since I had to work between five to ten. I work at Kelseys as a Hostess, making it hard to miss the TV sets all around the bar and ignore the incoming phone calls. Mr. Liconti explained that we are allowed to use electronics for work or school needs, which is a great relief since my work is filled with media. Tuesday night at work I managed to listen to music, answer phones and watch TV, breaking three aspects of the avoiding media assignment. Outside of work it was my first day successfully not using media. I found this day to be the easiest due to the limited time I was at home and the large amount of homework I had to complete. I still had the desire to go on my computer for a few minutes but when it comes to computers, minutes quickly turn into hours. I with held myself from the temptation, and just continued to do my homework. I guess it is possible to have a day without any media, for the other two days I will have to see.

Wednesday, November 5th
Today has probably been the longest day of my life, not to mention the most boring one. I have never felt so utterly bored, I actually carried my phone around through out the day without even using it. It is hard to fight the temptation when its sitting in your pocket, patiently waiting for you to fail and begin to text. I did answer my phone calls incase it was a family member or my manager since I do not have caller ID; I made these conversations brief. Luckily I do not like the shows that are on TV on Wednesdays or I could have easily been watching TV. Instead I ran some errands with my sister and studied for my philosophy test. Once we got in the car my sister turned on the radio and I could not resist listening to music. Later on I began to study philosophy, which to my luck is fairly time consuming or I would have gone insane. I may have listened to music for the short period of 15 minutes but the rest of the time was media free.

Thursday, November 6th
If I thought Wednesday was a long day then I was sadly mistaken. Today I did not attend school due to the fact that I was feeling very sick. Being sick is just boring even watching silly shows on TV, without being able to use any electronics even the useless ones, is just pure torture. My day consisted of the basics eating and sleeping, I have never felt so isolated. At least the other days I had the advantage of talking to my friends at school but today it was just my dog and I. I took it upon myself to begin reading the book Mr. Liconti assigned us to read, nineteen-eighty-four, I managed to get through most of it with all my spare time. Soon enough it was 6 o’clock and I had to go to work, where I could be sure my boredom would be gone. It was pretty fun to just socialize with my coworkers and customers after being locked up in my house with no media source. When I arrived home after work I found a newspaper on my desk, my father loves to leave articles for everyone. Did he ever pick the wrong day, I put some papers over the article to hide it and to avoid any sort of temptation or cheating on my behalf. My fourth day of this assignment was complete, and sure enough I would take advantage when this assignment is finally complete.

Unfortunately, I did not successfully complete the assignment due to watching One Tree Hill, and listening to music. Even if I had not failed, the assignment still would not feel complete since at my work its filled with a variety of media sources. These sources were inevitable at my work, which brings on the realization of how big of a role media plays in my life.

Media has such an influence on society, especially for the younger generations. Several children in elementary school are beginning to have cell phones, even my cousin who is ten has a cell phone. Now that is just outrageous, at that young age kids are usually just at the park or on their street. If the media keeps affecting the younger generations it brings along questions about how this will affect our value system. Will it even be necessary to talk to people in person when there are several electronically ways to communicate with them? As the advancements continues when will there be boundaries?

While reading the book, nineteen-eighty-four it struck some horror to read the extremity of media to the point where it limit’s the peoples actual freedom. By failing to complete the assignment it shows that media controls my life, whether it is socially related or work related. Media manages to be a present tool in our society. It brings on the fear of a grim future where similar to nineteen-eighty-four we too, will have sacrificed our own freedom and be imprisoned by our media,

Ian M said...

Day One – Monday – Let’s Get This Started!

Today I started my blog, I said goodbye to the television, internet, my ipod, computer, and even my phone. Today started good, at least until two-fifty, that’s when the real challenge began. As I am writing this I am quite disappointed in myself. I am not going to lie and say I did everything perfect, because I definitely did not. My first encounter with the forbidden matter came at around five in the evening. As I was working on my powerpoint presentation for The Wars, I got sidetracked and ended up checking my emails, from that point on, the day has gone downhill. I have been text messaging quite often, and have been talking on the phone. To summarize the day it was quite pathetic, tomorrow I am going to get serious. I want to do better.

Day Two – Tuesday – On the Go!

My troubles from yesterday have fortunately not continued to today. My only stroke with cheating came while I was driving to the pool this morning to swim. Out of habit, I turned on the radio, after about two minutes of driving I remembered my assignment and turned it off. After swim practice my commitment to the assignment started to improve. While at school I avoided the prohibited media and school went good, probably because I never brought my phone with me. After school I continued to follow my task, I drove straight to the dentist and following that appointment I went immediately to work. I continued to follow my assignment at work, however the store music was unavoidable and I fell into the temptation of the occasional text message. When I got home at ten-thirty, I finished my homework and kept reading A Fine Balance by Rohintion Mistry. I am proud of myself today and I hope I can keep up to this standard.

Day Three – Wednesday – Staying Serious, or At Least Trying

As usual, today was quite easy until after school. The rest of the day resumed quite well, I had a few things to finish and I was running errands till around five. Unfortunately I could not resist the temptation of the radio. When I got home I had a math quiz to study for, this took up the majority of my evening. Regrettably when I was done studying I broke yet another rule, I feel into the appeal of playing a video game that I got from the electronics department at work, however after about 10 minutes I succumbed to my guilt and I decided to just sleep early tonight instead of breaking more rules.

Day Four – Thursday – Almost There!

Today when I woke up feeling pretty good, that is until I remembered it was five forty-five in the morning, and I had to get to the pool to swim. On my way to the pool and back I kept to my assignment and did not listen to the radio. After swim I went to school, while there I followed every rule, except I was still text messaging. After school I tried to resist the temptations of the media, in this time I finished my homework, but in between I feel into the trap of listening to the radio. Tonight I took a friend out for Second Cup. However after that I could not resist watching a little television, as it was already on. I am quite excited as the task is near complete.

Day Five – Friday – A Quick Recap

Looking back on the task, it was quite an insight on how much we rely on a few simple objects that were mostly non-existent until about as recent as a century ago. In such a short time these objects have integrated themselves in our daily lives; we rely on them with an importance that we do not often recognize. One of the few men to recognize the magnitude of our dependence was George Orwell. This assignment (and the television show Big Brother) has awoken a desire in me to read 1984. This project gave me an idea about the scary truth, that is our daily dependence on not one of the forbidden media-related items, but all of them. The media plays an important role in our daily lives, and without a conscious mind towards this reality, the media can have power over us.

Trisha L said...

November 3: Day One

In my defense (or maybe not), I didn’t try hard enough not to expose myself to the things mentioned in the blog. I did read the blog the day before; contrary to what the teacher believes and today should have been the first day where I totally freed myself from these things. But when I woke up, the first thing I did was check the text messages I received overnight. That’s already strike number one against me and throughout the whole day, I texted. I know for a fact that I could live without my cell phone and I’m definitely sure that I wouldn’t die if I didn’t check my text messages in class. I don’t know, maybe it’s because without it I feel totally detached from the world. Then, while I was doing the dishes after dinner I thought, ‘isn’t texting the most detached I could get from my peers?’ Because I actually prefer texting over one-on-one conversations, not to mention that the people I text are no more than a few classes away from me, or at least they’re in the same building. I’m definitely not the only one who thinks like this. The teenage psyche is a complicated thing. As far as personal music players go, my phone doubles into an mp3 player. Hooray for technology and not having to worry about two separate things like a phone and an mp3 player at the same time. Oh well, there’s strike two.

After school, I came home right away because I was totally starving. I guess you could say I was more successful in following the blog rules because I spent at least two hours making food and contemplating whether or not I should do my homework at the time or later on. I decided I would do it the tomorrow because I have a school trip and I wont get any work I missed until the day after, it’s completely irresponsible, but I don’t care.

Anyway, at 6:30 I have guitar lessons every Monday for half an hour. So from 3 to 6:30 I didn’t watch TV, go on the computer, listen to music or any of that good stuff. It didn’t really faze me because my daily after school routine consists of me coming home, eating, and then taking a nap until my parents wake me up for dinner. So I went to my guitar class. My classes are held at the same place where my brother has his art lessons and we both start at the same time, but his classes are half an hour longer. As I mentioned before, my cellular device is basically attached to me so while I was waiting for my brother, I was texting like crazy.

When dinner was over, I had nothing to do. At first I took a shower, then I did my laundry. After that, I cleaned my room. By the time I did all that, it was around 9:30 and I was bored out of my mind. I was pretty tired and I could have gone to bed, but I refuse to go to bed before 10:30 just because I’m stubborn like that. So I went on face book and killed about an hour doing I don’t even know what! Which is really weird if I think about it, because I could have read ‘Song of Solomon’ which I should have finished last week for my Studies in Literature class, but I went on the Internet anyway. I guess I think it’s a lot of fun looking at my friends’ photo albums, where every shot is just another angle of their face. This blog is a really good way of showing me how useless everything I do is.

On another note, while I was on face book, one of my friends posted a creative writing story where his sentence structure was totally wrong and the plot was so pathetic that I was actually really offended. Since he was asking for feedback, I gave it to him the brutal truth and all. I also used bits of what I learned from Frye’s talk in my criticism. Liconti should be proud. Oh well, strike three for going on facebook.

November 4: Day Two

Today was my Law trip to the Brampton courts. We were scheduled to leave at nine in the morning, but my class was on the bus by 8:45 and we were on our way to Brampton. From the moment school started, our teacher made it very clear that we weren’t supposed to have cell phones or mp3 players or any kind of electronic devices in the courts. The whole class was distraught. Some people tried to sneak their phones in their pockets or the girls would keep their headphones in because it camouflaged in their hair. I didn’t even try to defy the teacher. I liked him and I didn’t want the hassle of getting my phone taken away. Besides, what’s the harm of not having my phone for about four hours? It was terrible. I felt naked and I had no idea what time of day it was. I’m not even exaggerating. No one knew what time it was, except for the couple of people who actually had watches on. The common response people would say every time I asked for the time: I don’t have my phone on me. I still don’t see the problem in our dependency on cellular phones.

After the trip, we got to school in time for fifth period. Everyone in my class said they weren’t going to bother even going for the last class, but I went anyway. I don’t know why. I didn’t have to, but I did.

Usually, I barely watch TV and I hardly go on the computer anyway on weekdays because of all the homework I have. Today was one of those days. Since I didn’t do my homework yesterday, I had a lot to catch up on. I also had to touch up my seminar for tomorrow. By the time I was finished, I only had enough time to practice my guitar (which I make sure I have at least half an hour everyday) and to take a shower. Journaling my day was actually an afterthought.

So, maybe if this blog was assigned during the weekend, where I’d have more time to be tempted to go on the Internet, it’d be more effective and my insights would be more valuable.

November 5: Day Three

I don’t read the newspaper or talk on the phone. I also don’t listen to the radio because the pop songs that come out are getting worse and worse. I don’t have a video game system and I get bored too easily to be able to play it anyway. So I’ve successfully completed five of the seven things I need to avoid for this blog because I also barely watch TV.

My late night last night caused me to be late for school and in my scatter-brained state I forgot my phone! I don’t really know what to say about my classes… they’re all boring.

Actually, I did my seminar for English today. I did pretty well, but I could have done better. I was really proud of my work.

Anyway, I got home and I didn’t even bother eating because I was tired. So I slept until six, had dinner then did my homework. I only had one thing to do (aside from this journal), but it was the most extensive homework I’ve ever had to complete: An essay outline. It took me from 6:30 to 10 because I basically had to write my essay. It was also done last minute. I’m all about last minute.
I’m not being honest. Throughout my hardcore homework session, I’ve been texting a couple of times. When you’re not on msn or face book, people start to think something is horribly wrong. My grandma also sent me a text wishing me a happy birthday because in the Philippines, it would be the 6th of November. My grandmother.

November 6: Day Four.

IT’S MY BIRTHDAY! All my friends texted me before I even woke up and I got more throughout the day.

After school, I went to the town center to buy bus tickets and Mc Donald’s while listening to my cell phone. Basically, the whole day, my boyfriend has been texting me making sure that my day was going all right. Oh, he’s so sweet.

When I came home, my family and I went to Moxie’s for my birthday dinner. The washrooms aren’t as cool as people say they are. There were only three stalls. I don’t care about washrooms with only three stalls in them. The food was amazing though.

After that, I went on face book and msn, even though I knew the blog task was still in effect. Why? Because it’s my birthday and I feel that rules don’t apply to me. That’s also why I didn’t do my homework.

This was actually written on the seventh of November, but my minor OCD prevents me from changing the six to a seven and thereby disturbing the chronological order of the days.

Overall, the blog didn’t really make a dent in my day-to-day life. If I were someone who had to live through “Big Brother” in the book Nineteen Eighty-Four, I think I would be labeled as a loyal follower, not because I believe in what Big Brother is doing, but because I’m compliant and follow orders. Other than that, I can’t relate it to Orwell’s book. There was no real attempt to follow the tasks set out for me, because I would have done it anyway. Unlike Winston, he’s trapped in a situation where someone is ordering him to do one thing, and that one thing isn’t what he wants to do.

David F said...

Today’s society has become dependent on technology for nearly every aspect of life. Many children and teenagers do nothing but play their Xbox or go on their computer. As we learned in the educated imagination, it is important to read literature to enhance your imagination so over the next four days I plan on taking advantage of this assignment by reading my CA novel as I will have plenty of leisure time when I become disconnected from technology.

Over the next 4 days I will try to avoid contact with television, internet, telephone, computer, video games, radio, IPod and the newspaper. I am kind of looking forward to the next four days to see what I will do with my spare time when I usually watch television or go on the computer or play video games. The hardest part for me will definitely be not using my cell phone and not listening to music because no matter what I am doing I, usually listen to music. The easiest part for me will be not reading the newspaper because I rarely read the newspaper.

Day 1 ~ Monday November 3: I woke up this morning to the sound of music blaring from my alarm clock. Realizing that this was against the blog, I asked my mom if she could wake me up for the next three days. I usually shower with some music playing because I like to start my day off by listening to some tunes, however, today I showered in silence. I went downstairs to the kitchen to eat breakfast and was about to turn on the TV to watch “Sports Centre” when I realized I can’t do that either. So I just sat in the kitchen looking out the patio door noticing that a lot of leaves had fallen on the ground and my mom reminded me that I had to cut the grass one more time before the winter. During third period I was so incredibly bored that I broke the rules of the blog and started playing brick breaker on my phone. After school I had hockey and it was hard not listening to music on the way to hockey because I always listen to music to clear my head. After hockey I came home and ate dinner, and, although the TV was on in the family room, I sat with my back to it. Then I had to break the blog rule and go on the computer to finish up my study notes for my World Politics class. I spent the rest of the night studying. I usually watch “One Tree Hill” every night before I go to bed, however, I didn’t watch it tonight and the next three nights are going to especially be difficult without watching my favorite show.

Day 2 ~ Tuesday November 4: Today my mom woke me up and I once again showered without music. I almost fell asleep in the shower because I was so tired. I ate breakfast today without watching television. I was now trying to actually obey the rules of the blog. In history class we watched the movie animal farm today so I had to watch television. I received a text message while I was in English class from my boss at work telling me I had to work today. After school it wasn’t very hard for me to follow the rules of the blog because I had hockey until 4:45 pm and I worked until 9:00pm. Once I came home from work, I ate dinner and then my dad was talking about the United States Presidential election and how both John McCain and Barack Obama were going to give their speeches tonight. Due to this historic event as Barack Obama became the first black president of the Untied States, I didn’t follow the rule of the blog regarding television and I watched his acceptance speech.

Day 3 ~ Wednesday November 5: This morning I slept in until 9:45 am because my mother forgot to wake me up, which I didn’t have a problem with because at least I was well rested. I didn’t have time for breakfast so I just headed straight to school. This day was by far the most difficult day to abide by the rules of the blog because I didn’t have hockey or work so I had a lot of free time after school. I decided to go to the gym after school to make productive use of my time since I couldn’t watch “One Tree Hill”, play Xbox 360 or even go on facebook. I had an excellent workout despite the fact that I couldn’t listen to my iPod. Once I arrived home from my workout, my girlfriend called me on my house phone and I completely forgot about the no telephone rule as this rule was the hardest one for me to follow. She asked me if I wanted to go to hot yoga which was something that I had never tried before and I thought that I should give it a try because I figured that the point of this blog was to try new things that don’t involve technology. Yoga was fun and very relaxing. The yoga teacher put some music on towards the end of class, which brought a smile to my face because I had a bad case of music withdrawal over the past three days. Once I came home I read “The Road” which is the book I chose for my CA. Then I went to sleep.

Day 4 ~ Thursday November 6: I woke up around 8:30 am to the sound of my neighbor’s dog barking, which was probably a good thing because my mother might have forgotten to wake me up again. For breakfast I went to Tim Hortons to get two cinnamon raison bagels because that is what I have for breakfast on the days that I have hockey games, it’s a ritual, and I am happy to say I didn’t listen to the car stereo while driving to Tim Hortons. My day at school was very relaxing as I had supply teachers for all of my classes. I started reading “1984” in English class that day and I realized that this blog connected with “1984” because from what I gathered from the novel so far, the character Winston could not use technology for pleasure at all, so I believe this blog helped me relate to Winston, as for the past four days I had been somewhat disconnected from technology. I left English class early for hockey, which I was really excited about, because it was our first game of the year. I didn’t listen to music on the way to hockey but I was used to this by now so it wasn’t all that difficult. After hockey I went home ate dinner and continued to read “1984”. I was happy that this was the last night of following the rules of the blog so I could get back into my regular routine with technology.


Overall, I thought this blog was a great experience as I learned that I was actually able to function without using technology; however, I also learned at the same time that I had become extremely dependent on technology so much that it was similar to a life line for me. In those four days that I didn’t use technology, I actually made productive use of my time and I really only missed listening to music and using my cell phone. I read a lot over those four days because that is what I did to occupy my time instead of watching television or going on the computer. Once I started reading “1984” I realized the connection this blog had to “1984” as this book is about how the media has a very heavy influence on controlling people and their beliefs. I am happy that this blog is now over with so I can once again watch “One Tree Hill” and listen to music!

GuirguisC said...

Christine’s Journal

Day One: Monday November 3rd, 2008

Dear Journal,
My first reaction after reading the blog last night was, “I can do this, but it will be hard”. To be honest, today was so difficult to avoid any use of technology such as: internet, television, radio, newspapers, and mostly my cell phone. I started off my day, having my radio wake me up, however I remembered I was not able to listen to the radio, so then I had to jump out of bed to turn it off. It was then that I realized it will be a very long 4 days. I left my cell phone at home, and I even put it on silent so I would not hear a call or a text message for later in the evening. My day at school went by very well, I didn’t watch any movies in class, I was honestly just really busy with work and trying to do as much socializing as possible because I knew that when I come home at 3:30pm, I would not be able socialize with my friends until the next day. After school I came home and I had a snack… normally I would get my snack and run downstairs in the basement to watch some soap operas, but I did not, I knew I’d feel very guilty. I ate my snack, alone in my kitchen; I didn’t really know what to do with myself. After I finished my snack, I went upstairs and decided that I would straighten my hair, because I needed something else to do, rather then homework or reading. I then chose to take a nap, but of course I got interrupted during my nap, by all the phone calls from the house phone, and lucky me no one was home. I had to pick up the phone calls, and finally after 10 minutes the rush had stopped. However, the last call I picked up was from my friend Kayla wanting to chat. She had forgotten about the assignment I had to do, so of course I had remind her that I could not talk on the phone until Friday. After that quick chat, I knew that without the phone, radio, and even the internet I would actually be able to get work done for school. I finally finished my nap, and at around 6:00pm I ate dinner with the family, and had mentioned to them my assignment for English. My parents were all for it, and they knew I could do it. However, my mom felt like saying a joke to discourage me so she said, “are you sure you can live without your 5 hour phone calls?” this did not even put a doubt in my mind. After dinner, it was time to read my AR book, and study for a Philosophy test. If I were to get bored, I normally would check out fb (facebook) or go on msn, or make a quick chat on the phone; instead I ate, and ate, and ate. I couldn’t help myself; I would get bored, and then crave all kinds of food. It was after Halloween weekend, so we still had lots of good chocolate and chips left over. I could not wait until I was tired, because I was just getting sick of reading books and studying for Philosophy, and of course sleep is an escape out of doing schoolwork. The first day was over with, and I found it very overwhelming and hard to not be able to talk to my friends over the phone, or the internet.
Good night, Sweet Dreams!

Day Two: Tuesday November 4th, 2008

Dear Journal,
Last night I had reminded my mom and dad to wake me up at 7:00am, so I could avoid using my radio to wake me up. Both my parents came in my room, and it definitely was a better way of waking up in the morning, it ended up leading to a conversation about a trip to Europe next summer. I got ready for school, and then my dad had taken me to school. At school, it was still the same routine as any other day, except of course my cell phone was left at home. At school, I was just so energetic, and excited to talk to my friends. All my friends’ conversations consisted of topic of the elections that are happening tonight. We all wanted Obama to win, and hoped for the best for the United States. Classes went well, and I didn’t really focus on using technology all day, until I was in Philosophy class that my fellow classmate had asked me to hear a song on his IPod, and then I listened to it. BAM, I then realized it was technology, and after the song was done I felt terrible, and of course didn’t continue to listen to more songs. After school, I actually stayed longer with my friends and we were all just talking in front of our lockers until 3:30pm, just to catch up and give each other the 411. After I walked home, it was a nice walk, but really lonely and I wished that I could listen to some music. The whole day I wanted to listen to this song called, “If I were a boy” By: Beyonce, but I knew I couldn’t until Friday… so then I tried singing it, however it didn’t sound as great, so I had to stop. While I was walking home, I also realized that my favourite television show is on at 9:00pm which is 90210, DAM I knew I had to miss it. I arrived home, and then ate a snack. I was really tired, so I decided that I needed to take a nap before I ate dinner, and before I had to start my homework. I had a Philosophy test for Wednesday, so I knew that it would be a little easier to avoid going onto the internet, watching television, or using the phone, because I needed to study. After my nap, I had started to read my AR book, but then of course it was dinner time. I actually wanted to help set up the table, because it was something to do. Dinner was delicious, and the topic of the elections came up, another light bulb popped up, that I could not watch the elections. This was something I didn’t want to miss, and I couldn’t make an exception because it is something very important, and interesting to watch. Also my curiosity would have killed me not knowing who got elected president, but also to hear the speeches. My brother Christian was actually telling me to watch the elections because it comes only every 4 years, and it is something that could possibly make history. He definitely sold me on that one, and at 10:00pm, I watched the elections. After I knew who won, I turned off the television. It took forever for the speeches to start, so then I was focusing on more studying. Before I went to bed, I turned on the television once again, and Obama came out and was saying his speech, definitely a tear worth speech. I knew I had let technology interfere in my studies, but it was something I could not pass. After finishing my studying, I then went to bed.

Good night and God bless America!

Day Three: Wednesday November 5th, 2008
Dear Journal,
I woke up this morning by my parents discussing with my older brother Patrick about the elections that occurred last night. I had to have my input into that conversation, and it was a great start to the day. I got ready for school, and once again I left my cell phone at home. I actually turned it off today, because it was pointless to have on. School was very interesting, all of us were socializing about the elections, and everyone was so excited that Obama was elected president of the United States. Another topic that was brought up among my friends was our grad trip 09’ to Wasaga Beach. Apparently there was a message sent on facebook about the event, about the payments that are due next week, however since I am not using my internet it then prevented me of staying on top of important dates and events. Eventually, I got all the important information from my friends so then I was once again on top of everything. I had my philosophy test today, and I felt confident with my efforts. To be honest, it feels a lot better not worrying about text messages and friends’ dramatic stories because there are other important things that I have to focus on, which are mid-term tests, and reading my CA book. I stayed after school today, because my friend Kayla had a basketball game, and I decided that it would be great to come out and support her. I stayed for the game, and just socialized with my friend Danielle until the game had started. However, it was getting dark and late outside and I knew I had to come home, so I needed to get in contact with my mom, so she could come and pick me up. I used Danielle’s phone and called my mom, my mom then came to pick me up. After I came home, my family and I ate dinner and then immediately I went upstairs and read my CA book. After reading, I was getting bored, and then I just took a nap once again. After my nap, I went down to my kitchen and ate almost all my Halloween treats, which were so delicious. I then moved my area of homework, because I needed to change my routine up a bit. So I went down in my basement, and did my homework there. It was nice, and refreshing. I then realized that for a homework assignment I needed to use the internet and Microsoft word .I stayed focus, and used the websites that were necessary for my work. However, while I was doing my homework I did receive a phone call, my brothers were home, but of course they didn’t answer, so I had too. It was my friend, and it was an “emergency”, I know I should have not picked up the phone, but I just had too. I didn’t stay long on the phone because I had work that had to be finished. I ended up going to bed at 2:00am, because it was then when I finished my homework. Even though I had one interruption all night, I still stayed up very late. It was not so difficult staying up until 2am, but then I realized that I was so desperate to listen to some music. So I put music on for about an hour, because it is something that keeps my mind thinking, and once I start writing I can’t stop.
Good night, Sweet Dreams!

Day 4: Thursday November 6th, 2008

Dear Journal,

Today is my last day, of writing in this journal and of course not being able to watch television, listen to the radio, read the newspaper, and of course go on the internet. Surprisingly it was not hard waking up this morning, since I went to bed very late last night. My dad came in my room this time, and said “Christine, wake up”. It worked like a charm; I woke up because I was more nervous for the busy say I was going to be having. English and Studies in literature were the most overwhelming classes at the moment and I had received a new book in English called ‘1984’, and for Studies In Literature, ‘Fall on your Knees’. Both books, in one day, and on top of that several due dates for essays, CA’s, and assignments once again in both English and Studies in Literature. School went by very fast, I stayed after school once more, but not for legit socializing, but for my club that I am in, which is the Initiative. We had gotten together, and discussed different ways of advertising our cause this year which is, Autism. After the club, I went to the back of the school and saw a lot of my friends watching the Mount Carmel football game. It felt so nice to sit and chat with my friends, because for the past couple of days it had felt like I have been out of the loop, by not being able to talk on the phone, go on facebook and even msn. However, I knew that it was the last evening that I would have to avoid those technologies. I came home, and ate dinner with the family. At this time, I felt that it was normal to not use the internet or phone after school; it kind of started to become a routine. I had a lot of work to do, for Friday so I didn’t really think about having a break, and if I did have a break… I would of course go to the kitchen and get a snack. I went to bed early, around 11pm, and it felt amazing! I was way too overwhelmed with all the new assignments and dead lines to follow. However, before I went to bed I wanted to know the weather for Friday, because for the past three days, I had waken up in the morning and asked my parents what the weather was like, and then went outside to feel it myself. I just had to turn on that television again.
Good Night!
Sweet dreams

Day 5: Friday, November 7th, 2008

Dear Journal,
Congratulations, I have survived through the torture. I’m only kidding, however I do feel that I have accomplished a lot through the past 4 days without using internet, telephone/cell phones, the newspaper, radio, and of course television. Even though I did not have 96 steady hours without the use of technology in my life, I did for the majority of the time. One thing that I have learned through this experience, is of course having your priorities straight, and to never doubt your own abilities. It is tough taking away something in your life that you have become so addicted and attached too, however you are capable to live your life without technology for a couple of days. Technology clearly has impacted our lives, and sometimes we can ONLY rely on technology for certain things such as, sending emails to work partners, or even finding your old friends from high school. We clearly avoid any other way of doing things, because of the inconvenience it may have on our fast paste living condition. What I have gained through this experience, is becoming more social towards my family members. I even realized that when I wanted to talk to my parents when I was bored, they were watching television so, they had to turn it off when we were having discussions. Not only does technology interfere with students and their studies, but with friendship and even families. Have you ever noticed, when you are out on a gathering with your friends, and you all take out your cell phones and talk about the coolest and trendiest one. Why is technology over powering us?

What I’d like to conclude is that, for four days out of our entire lives we have been forced to take away something we take for advantage (technology), and it makes me realize how we depend on something so much, that once it is taken away from us, we become lost. Is this a way we should live our lives? Or should we try other alternatives to prove to the media, or even to society that it is possible, and we as individuals can control our decisions rather having technology doing that for us.

Good night!

Erin G said...


12:00 AM
I had just turned off the TV. I’m heading off to bed now since I usually stay up a bit longer to watch TV or talk on msn, but nope. Today, my 4-day media strike begins. No TV, no radio, no cell phone, no internet… those are the ones that are going to be really hard to resist. BUT…I need to make an exception with my cell phone. I’m always out at YFC meetings (a Catholic youth group) because I’m one of the section leaders, so there’s a LOT of planning to do, and TONS of forums to lead and attend. PLUS, I go out a lot, and now that there isn’t much to do at home, I’ll probably be out more…MAYBE. I don’t know. -.-‘

7:43 AM
I just woke up. Since I can’t use the radio, I don’t use my alarm clock because its part of the radio. So, my mom and my sister agreed to wake me up before they leave to drop my sister off at Mt. Carmel. They leave around the time I usually get up at—give or take 5 minutes or so. It doesn’t really matter if I wake up a bit earlier. I don’t mind. It gives me more time to get ready.

8:38 AM
Usually, I’d be watching TV while I eat my breakfast, but NOPE. I can’t. Not for 4 days. So…I decided to make myself breakfast. Usually, my mom leaves me some because she makes breakfast for my sister before leaving to drop her off at school, so I’d have the left overs—if there were any. Hmm… So, I guess I can consider this as a good thing. FRESH food for breakfast ! YAY ! lol. But you know what, it’s actually pretty scary (but then again, I’m the type of person that gets scared easily). Like, all I hear in the house is the ventilation system, and that high-pitched tone that only teenagers can hear. Is that even true? o.0’

7:35 PM
OMG ! You don’t know how hard it is to sit in a room and see my sister listening to her iPod, while doing her homework! I know, I know. “It’s not such a big deal”, but to me, it is. I’m honestly addicted to slow jams (slow songs)—I love singing along. Then the harder thing is hearing my parents watch TV. I’m so tempted to grab the remote, and switch out of the news. All you hear is a monotone man voice, or a high-pitched, happy and perky woman talking. It’s so annoying! Well anyways, I just finished typing my French poem and managed to read some of Nineteen Eighty-Four. But I kind of slipped. I got side-tracked and started going on facebook, and MSN. I can’t help it ! It’s so hard ! I’m a facebook addict. >.<’ I swear though—tomorrow will be a better day. I swear. lol.


around 12:40 PM (I can’t see the clock from my seat in class).
I’m so bored ! Usually, I’d listen to music in class when we have supply teachers, but I can’t ! All I have is Nineteen Eighty-Four to read, and that’s it! I made my sister hide my iPod, so that I won’t be tempted to take it when I see it. Ahh !

8:46 PM
I just got home from mass at Merciful Redeemer. My boyfriend—Riley—and I go to mass every Thursday to pray for our relationship.
The rest of the day was pretty easy. I decided to go to Erin Mills area early to hang out with Riley and our friends, Paulo and Duane, for a while because I didn’t really have SO much to do at home. Riley and I were able to take a walk at night (before the mass) and had a deep conversation about our past, and everything we’ve gone through.
With this, I actually think that this assignment isn’t so bad. I mean: there’s so much more that I can do that is worth so much more than watching scripted lives on a screen. Being able to spend that time with Riley—instead of waiting at home, watching TV, and leaving at 6:40 PM to meet him at the church—made me value our relationship more. It was an eye opener for certain things…that’s for sure.


10:23 AM
Right now, I’m in chemistry class and I finished my homework early. So, I decided I’d write. This morning, was actually much better. I guess that if you don’t really think about it, not having music to listen to, or not watching TV really isn’t such a big deal. There is so much more that you can do in this world than sitting on your… umm… buttocks, doing nothing that is self progressive…if that makes any sense at all. Haha. Obviously, I still get tempted here and there, but it isn’t something I can’t handle. But, I almost broke my ‘strike’ this morning. I usually listen to music, while I get ready for school, so I pushed the ‘tuner’ button on my radio, but thank God I unplugged it on the first day. lol.

11:48 PM
People came over my house again. More like guys. haha. Most of my friends are guys. So when they came over, I made some popcorn and sat beside Riley, while they were watching the Raptor’s game. I didn’t even pay attention to the game. I don’t watch the games unless I’m actually there or actually playing it. Anyways, what happened was soo weird. It was honestly like I was sitting with a group of brainwashed people. When I’d ask them a question, they’d just sit, stare at the TV, and then answer around a minute later… sooo weird. o.0’ …boys -.-‘


11:12 PM
So, I didn’t really get enough time today to writ until now. >.< I had a YFC meeting at 1:00 PM, there isn’t really much that happened. 2 of us just gave talks about our faith, our community, and how we can apply our faith into our lives, and within our community. Almost every YFC meeting is like that, but each one focuses on different parts of our lives, or different things within our community. So, while I was practicing my talk—being in a thoughtful state—I couldn’t help, but really think about not only the things that were included in my talk guidelines, but think about life. I remembered what Mr. Liconti said, “I wouldn’t give you this assignment and Nineteen Eighty-Four at the same time for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON!” Thinking about it, what we’re doing is actually a smart way to allow our minds to open up to the vivid imagery of technology or the media’s control over society. I thought about what happened yesterday; how the boys were so drawn into the game on TV—like how the community in Nineteen Eighty-Four is so drawn to the telescreen. In my perspective, it’s the portrayal of media. Billboards, posters, flyers, commercials, advertisements—the voices of media, telling you what you should buy, what is best for you, what you need to be, how you need to look like, and our unconscious mentality believing every word of it. We’re so dependent on the news, the internet, the TV, and music, that sooner or later, we will face Nineteen Eighty-Four’s domination of media over humanity.
WELL, other than that, people just came to my house for a little ‘get-together’ or ‘chillage’, and left REALLY, REALLY late, which is why I’m writing this so late at night. Well, I’m off to bed now. I’m really tired.
Good night !

(Waits ‘til midnight to watch TV. haha).

Adam K said...

Before I describe what occurred during the four testing days, I want to clarify that I do not own an iPod or MP3, I do not generally play any video games to begin with, and my cell phone was turned off for the duration of the assignment – unless, of course, I needed to communicate with someone immediately.

Monday November 3, 2008
This is the first day of my task to go for four consecutive days without the use of any personal recreational electronics and media devices. Frankly, from the get-go, this blog project worried me immeasurably because I had two major assignments due this week, for which I would inevitably require the use of my computer. Mr Liconti, however, calmed my fears, and reassured us that we can continue using computers for school assignments. Today was a miserable day– rainy, gloomy and cold, preventing me from going outside to play sports; hence, I remained confined indoors, at home, for the entire duration of the day. It did not take very long for me to become quite bored, and watching an episode of the Simposns or South Park was really appealing to me at the time. Nevertheless, I resisted the temptation, instead picked up a book I was reading over the summer (The Pathfinder), and for the first time in about two months resumed reading it. I read over 75 pages before I got restless and decided to stop. Afterwards, I occupied myself with a biology assignment due the upcoming Wednesday, for which had to use my computer; working on it until, feeling rather tired, I went to bed. I must say, it was a fairly early night for myself. The first day of the trial was a success, as I managed not to use any electronics – except the computer for my assignment.

Tuesday November 4, 2008
The second day—the day of the US presidential election. Contrary to yesterday’s weather, today was a glorious day, odd for November with outside temperatures exceeding 20 C, sunny sky, and full afternoon free of the usual early winter winds. After school, my friends and I decided to go play tennis. Unfortunately, I had to use my telephone to contact them to establish a meeting time and place; but that was inevitable, as we all live a fair distance away from one another, and personal communication is not possible. Later, exhausted from a good match game, I frantically went back home to work on the biology assignment I started the previous night; anxiously trying to complete it prior to the US election night results were scheduled to be broadcasted. However, since I did a substantial amount on Monday, I managed to finish in plenty of time. At 7:30 PM, I consciously broke the rules; I sat down and turned on the television to watch the elections. I decided, I was not going to miss this historical event for anything. I stayed up until Obama was pronounced the president – around midnight – at which point I went to bed. The second day was not as successful as the first day: I used a telephone and watched televsion.

Wednesday November 5, 2008
The third day proved to be the toughest. It was another unconventional, beautiful November day, much like yesterday. Once again I went to play tennis with my friends; and yet again I had to use my cell phone to contact them. I was so exhausted by the time I returned home, that without thinking, after eating dinner, I habitually and unconsciously turned on the radio and went on my computer to read my e-mail. It took me nearly 10 minutes to realize what I was doing, and to hastily turn off the electronics. I felt really guilty. Worn out from physical exhaustion, I was not sure of what to do with myself and felt at a loss what to with my spare time; I barely had any homework for Thursday, and I did not want to start my chemistry assignment that was due Friday. Thankfully, I remembered that we were supposed to be reading 1984, and to have it finished by Monday. So I sat down, and for the rest of the evening I read 132 pages of the novel. For that I actually had to vacate the main floor, for my parents were watching television and the radio from the kitchen was easily audible in the background. After about four and a half hours of reading, my eyes were beginning to hurt so I stopped, and as there was nothing else to do, I simply went to sleep early –again—a second time this week.

Thursday November 6, 2008
Once again it was a gorgeous day outside, and after I coming home back from school, I once more went to play tennis for the third straight day – and, yet again, used my cell phone to contact my team mates. Immediately afterwards, I had to get straight back to work, for I had a lot of homework due on Friday. Firstly, I commenced upon a major chemistry assignment– this exclusively involved me using the computer and internet, for research purposes. At about 9 PM, I finished chemistry, and immediately went to study for a biology quiz, which took another good hour. Exasperated with all the homework, and tired of studying, I still unfortunately had math questions left to finish. Feeling a sudden need of a break from brain activity, I deliberately again broke Mr. Liconti’s rules, and turned on the TV to relax by watching a basketball game for half an hour prior to finishing my assigned math work. Shortly after, I went to sleep.

Finally the assignment is over! Unfortunately, I failed at successfully completing it, as I used the phone, computer, radio, and TV; sometimes unconsciously, sometimes necessarily, and other times deliberately for no other reason than to satisfy a want for mindless distraction or to bare active witness to a historical event. It disturbed me that I could not comply for even a mere 96 consecutive hours without the use of personal electronics and media devices. Am I already so dependent? Am I really controlled by the constant influx of information? Even my rather poor compliance took a great deal of self-control, restraint, patience, and, to some degree luck. If it wasn’t for the fact that I had so many school assignments due and that the weather allowed me to play tennis for three of the four days, my failure would have probably been far greater; though I am sure my mother would have enforced piano playing from me for at least 2 of the 96 hours. However, I am sure, that should I was expected to do this over the last summer, for example, during the Olympic coverage, I would not comply at all. Having said that, I did have a slight advantage in complying with the task of limiting electronics and media in my life. Overall, television watching has always been somewhat restricted in our household, and since early childhood I have been used to reading books for ‘self entertainment’ in my spare time, especially at the cottage.

This assignment made me realize the full extent of mine, and by proxy, our society’s, dependence on electronics. We are increasingly reliant on them for just about everything in life. We use TV and the internet as our primary, and now more often than not, the sole, sources of entertainment, and news. We often find ourselves perplexed and defeated without them, like outsiders, disconnected from the world. Rather than engaging in personal conversations, family get-togethers or reading books, we are losing the ability to stay ‘social’; by surrounding ourselves with electronic devices to serve as our companions. We have become addicted to the technological age of constant information. If was not enough for me to hear the US presidential election results the following day; I wanted to see the immediate race, and the outcome, and so I broke the rules. Rather than planning ahead of time, we leave things to last minute, relying of cell phones to keep us updated and in touch-arranging meetings minutes before getting together. Electronics are consuming every moment of our lives: we work on a computer, watch TV, and listen to the radio – and now even when people are outside walking or playing sports they are listening to their iPods. Our principal sources of communication are phones and e-mail, and consequentially the other forms of communication such as letters and postcards are seldom used and slowly being forgotten. Also all work is done on a computer in this day and age and all information is stored on them; sure it is more convenient, however we should never forget how to write, work, and store information outside of a computer. Research is mostly done on the internet; encyclopaedia’s, manuals, and other informational texts are no longer. All the natural and manual human skills are decreasing at an alarming rate due to electronics. Electronics are replacing humans in terms of storing information and doing work that is needed in a society, depriving us of all the skills that a functioning society needs. We are striving towards complete dependence from electronics and being reduced to masses [like those in 1984] where technology reigns over all, and humans are increasingly being engulfed by it until they have no creative/constructive ability of their own (as machines do everything for us).

Do not misunderstand me, technology is good and improves quality of life immeasurably; however it has to be used with control and restraint. Technology should not come with the loss of creativity, individuality, and general abilities. This means that we cannot let machines completely substitute us and must also learn the things technology can do manually, because there can be grave consequences if we do not. If there was ever a power outage that could not be fixed or all electronics just stopped working, the world would be enveloped in total chaos and despair; as they [people] have depended on electronics to do everything for them, and have never learned how to do things by themselves. We must restrain ourselves from becoming controlled and totally dependent on electronics, so that such a catastrophe never occurs and so that our individuality is never abolished. Even though this a very hard task, it is necessary for our community, ourselves, and our future; betterment of society always requires sacrifices.

A warning of what may happen is present in 1984: the society became controlled by electronics (telescreens, speakwrites, etc) and as a result people lost all privacy, and thus their individuality. The media/technology is a very powerful tool that must be controlled or it can lead to many horrible results.

Steven B said...

Discussion 5 – Journal


Max Frisch once defined technology as, “a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn’t have to experience it”. As a society fully immersed in the technological “triumphs” of the modern era, we often replace traditional human contact in favour of a more efficient, yet isolated, alternative. We have witnessed, for instance, entirely ordinary conversations with friends evolve into an art of remotely texting, or typing, or making use of whichever latest innovation large corporations have marketed to generate a profit. While I do not debate the advantages of this technology in a business or casual environment (albeit, with discretional use), we cannot overlook its involvement in the isolation of modern society. After the four days of this journal, I therefore hope to further my understanding of this particular effect, as well as the implications it has for the future of our civilization.

Day 1 – 3 November 2008:

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” – Lao Tzu.

I awoke Monday morning to my usual routine- sleep-deprived (a result of composing last night’s blog- the irony of which is not lost on me), dazed, and attempting to convince myself to leave the sheltered confines of my mattress. My mornings in general are virtually free of technological comforts, apart from the “essential” toaster or automobile. The blog’s prohibition of newspaper, however, was one notable disruption to my preordained ritual. I found this restriction a particular nuisance, in light of the impending 2008 US election. Nevertheless, I progressed through the four of my classes at Our Lady Mount of Carmel SS with relative ease (the fact that I do not succumb to the temptation concealing an iPod while my [insert monotonous academic subject] teacher determinedly scribbles on the board may have somewhat helped). I also should mention my use of a cell phone, though strictly for business affairs, to facilitate the tutoring practice I have organized after school hours.

Monday afternoon was one of the most difficult experiences of this entire ordeal. Throughout my secondary school career, I have grown accustomed to fixating myself in front of a television or computer as a means of relieving the stress of the day’s academic events. Not being able to satiate this habit was, to say the least, intolerable- and intolerable in every sense of the word. I have to admit that I did eventually succumb to watching an hour or two of television, though only after I had completed all of my outstanding school and extra-circular work. By the time I realized my error I was too exhausted to pursue any other course of action, and thus retired to the safety of my bedroom.

Day 2 – 4 November 2008:

“Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people.” – Abraham Lincoln.

The events of Tuesday morning and afternoon were remarkably similar to that of Monday, though my irritation for the restriction of newspaper use and subsequent ignorance forced upon students continued to grow (I would never have imagined going a single day without Brin and Page’s infamous collaboration of all things relevant to our society- Google News). I believe at some point during this predicament a revelation occurred- why not ask my parents? This is completely taboo, of course- an act shunned upon by a community of adolescents struggling with the trials and tribulations of what is known as “teen angst”. I decided to venture into the unaccepted, however, and was able to acquire an update on the US election while carrying out an intellectual conversation with someone other than my computer (yes, “someone”, although the idea of electronic media taking on a persona of its own is a thesis for another time). Which reminds me- the 2008 US election day has finally arrived – an opportunity for global improvement, for the United States government to address its innumerable lapses in humanitarian judgement, for society to take a step forward in its social, political, and economic development - and what’s more? I’m unable to witness it happen. Fortunately, I needed the majority of the evening to compose a ten page biology report on DNA replication, and resisted the urge to open any mail, instant messaging, or microphone applications on my desktop. At around 12:00 am of the next morning, I submitted to the temptation of catching the election results on before returning my bedroom.

Day 3 – 5 November 2008:

“I learned the value of hard work by working hard.” – Margaret Mead.

By Wednesday morning I had received only a couple hours of genuine sleep, and hadn’t returned home from tutoring in the guidance department (again, using my cell phone) until 4:30 in the afternoon. I’d like to point out that in the evening I had neither the energy nor the time to be any more frustrated at my technological limitations than during Tuesday’s ordeal. I took the opportunity to sleep for a few more hours before beginning the day’s homework- an entire night of studying for a philosophy unit test and a math quiz, with a half hour of biology review for good measure. Requiring an environment free of distraction (and therefore, free of the internet, television, radio, etc), I had little issue abstaining from technology. Thus, I returned to my bedroom satisfied with my first successful completion of the experiment.

Day 4 – 6 November 2008:

“The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.” – Abraham Lincoln

The final, and appropriately the most agonizing, stretch of this assignment occurred during the events of Thursday. Upon returning from Our Lady of Mount Carmel SS, I had only an hour to finish outstanding school work before commencing my volunteer shift at Credit Valley Hospital (circling the ER under the discontent of distressed family members ranks relatively low among possible alternatives to technology). I then made the mistake of believing my day complete, only to be reminded of a biology quiz on Friday morning. As a result, I arrived home at 7:00 pm assuming the all-too-familiar routine of studying the course’s relevant subject material. Factoring in time to finish dinner, I completed all of my required tasks by 10:00 pm. A cruel irony took shape in realizing that the activities capable of relieving the stress of this assignment were identical to those prohibited by the conditions of the blog. In a bout of weakness, I consequently resumed my habit of mindlessly absorbing the content of television before the end of the day.


“Just try it- you’ll be surprised what you can get done.” – Paul Liconti.

One of the most notable effects of this experiment was the sheer amount of time it established to pursue alternative activities. During the span of four days we witness frustration over the restrictions of the blog evolve into clinical boredom, and out of boredom develops the notion of completing work ahead of time. In abstaining from the use of technology, one gains insight into the frivolity of many habits (television, computer, etc) normally practiced throughout the day. These habits are consequently replaced by tasks that serve a greater, more defined purpose.

At the conclusion of this experiment, we must examine a fundamental question that is (hopefully) prevalent among all students who have undergone the same experience: What is the ultimate purpose of blog #5? The undeveloped mind would claim the sole intention of this blog is to irritate, to frustrate, and to isolate 30 students for 96 consecutive hours. To some degree that individual may be correct, but it is unacceptable to observe these emotions at face value. A true comprehension of human nature stems from exploring why we experience these emotions in the first place. Take, for instance, the irritation that students have shared throughout the four days of the assignment. Hear we have witness of a society so entirely dependent on technology that it experiences symptoms of withdrawal in technology’s absence. This notion of dependency is examined in George Orwell’s 1984, featuring a totalitarian government that utilizes technology to promote and legitimize its ideals within all aspects of society. I may also discuss the sense of isolation felt by individuals without the use of technology. This concept is representative of a much larger and more significant issue facing the whole of modern civilization- that technology is founded upon an illusion of human contact. Individuals will often remain in the comfort of their home performing imitations of an activity, or establishing “online” relationships with those who amount to nothing more than a collection of pixels. I therefore believe that the purpose of this blog is to demonstrate the disassociation of humanity from civilization as a direct result of technology, and in doing so, allow us to take the necessary measures to prevent further separation.

Kristina S said...

Day 1: I had woken up to the ringing of my phone. I had completely forgotten about the assignment, and started my day off normally listening to music while getting ready for school. When I got to school, someone had asked me how the assignment was going, and I remembered what the blog was about. It was around 9 that I actually put my mind to it, and first started off with not using my phone, which for me is very difficult. That had lasted for about 3 hours, because again without even thinking about the blog I had used my phone again. On my way home I listened to the radio with my father, again not realizing what I was doing. When I got home my father had asked me how the blog was going, that’s when again I remembered that I should avoid technology, so while getting ready for work that day I did not listen to music for the very first time. Unfortunately at work all I really do is use technology, I pick up phone , put invoices into the computer and at the end of the night close up the debit machine, which involves the computer. When I got home, I had watched my favourite TV show and had made a call before bed. So the first day was not really successful.
Day 2: It had started off the same way as day one, as the rest of the days will, but this time I realized earlier that I should not be using technology so I did not listen to the news on my way to school. When I got to school I turned my phone off until third period because I needed to text my father to pick me up later from school. When I got home that day I went to take a shower and automatically turned the music on, without even thinking about the blog. After that I really did not use technology much, just because I had gone to a Caritas meeting, but when I got home I turned the TV on, made the same phone call and went to bed. Day 2 I used less technology, but still did not successfully go a day without technology.
Day 3: Like usual my phone had woke me up, like it does every morning. Day 3 was a bad day , because I don’t think I even went a full hour without technology. When I got to school , I watched a movie in first period, during second I had used my phone, and during third I watched another movie. When I got home I had watched a movie before work , and then blasted music while getting ready for work. Again while at work all I did was use technology, but that specific day I used my cell phone at work and made personal calls from work , so again I did not go without technology. After work I went home to type an assignment and watched TV and talked on the phone before bed. Day 3 for me was hectic day, in which case I didn’t even think of the blog.
Day 4: Again it started off like usual, waking up to the phone ringing. This morning I remembered the blog and really tried not to use technology. I turned my phone off after it woke me up . I turned the radio off in the car on my way to school. In most of my classes that day , all I did was take notes, so again no technology used. In fact it was the longest I had gone without my cell phone. When I got home from school I took a nap, and did some homework then. After I tried to keep myself busy by cleaning, and it was the first time I cleaned without music which was very weird. But again before I went to bed I turned the TV and made a call.
This blog was very interesting. It wasn’t impossible but very difficult. I had never even thought of not using technology, because truthfully I rely on it too much, that I couldn’t even imagine not using it. Those 4 days had passed very fast, but at the same time very slow. But I learned how sickly addicting technology is, and how without it you could really find some peace and relax a bit. I found this very interesting and amusing at the same time, many times I would laugh at myself because I wouldn’t even realize I was using technology. I find that very unfortunate, because it scares me for what is yet to come, if we are so addicted now.

Alana C said...

Day 1:
Times are rough in the my house. Everything I do has to do with the media, as well as the fact that the phone is unavailable. Everything that goes wrong I try and reach for the phone to call one of my friends. And then I realize that I cant. I’m a Facebook addict so the fact that I cant check my Facebook is aggravating but at the same time a relief because there is no drama in my life. The computer is my life, but its not like I have been using it for homework, so I haven’t needed it for that. Ha, the music part I haven’t really been able to get away from.
With my sister blasting her music to my mother watching TV its been hard to zone out. But none the less I am trying.

Day 2:
I’m finding it hard to go through the day without listening into the latest new song, or what gossip girl has to offer me on a Friday night,
But I guess I can live with it. Its too quiet. Usually I blast my music to drown out all the ruckus in my house. Now I’m having to resort to listening to the dishwasher clean all the plates ! quite embarrassing. I can only imagine how many messages I must have on facebook. Considering my phone hasn’t been touched … im pretty sure that im doing pretty well with this project. Although its hard im trying.

Day 3:
OK so im pretty sure im going to die. I haven’t had any contact with the real world in TIME and on top of it all, today I thought was going to be a nice day so I didn’t wear my boots, not realizing there was going to be a storm I walked to school. Little did I know that the storm would start just before I had t leave to get home. MY FEET ARE FREEZEING from the cold still. I cant even express to anyone how angry I am at the fact I couldn’t check the weather on the news, because I CANT USE A PHONE. Amazing how convenient that was ?
Everytime I get in a car or I walk down the street I realize that media is everywhere. Its so hard to walk down the street and not look at all the advertisements.

Day 4:
So I have been binge eating since I cant do anything else. I want to check my facebook and go on msn. Its HORRIBLE that I cant watch my favourite shows. Thank God it is the last day of Mr. Liconti’s experiment. I think he can see from everyone’s answers that this task was very hard to perform. I actually read one of the books that we are required to read in English this week, because that’s the only thing I could do. So I hope hes happy :) ha. Overall this experiment taught me that I am addicted to cyber space, and that I cant be away from my phone this long ever again.

From this experiment I have learned that society is based on the use of cell phones, television, and the internet. It is unbelievable how we all rely on cyber space and a box with pictures being displayed on it. I have found through this experiment that I was hard for me to sit and look at my computer instead of be on it. That just shows the adolescent mind and how it is moulded to what society wands it to be. Ever since I cant remember I was using a computer, whether for homework of just plain old gamming. But I realized that it is an addiction now. I need to have my phone at all time… or I need it to be in front of me so I can see it. I don’t want it out of my sight. That mean something is wrong. Kids in todays society don’t realize that their world revolves around gossip and media. If i didnt have media or technology right now, i would be a totally different person. Dull and boring. It seems to me that without media and te use of technology
teenagers today would be lost.