Mr. Liconti's ENG4U1 class blog Mr. Liconti's ENG4U Resources

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Discussion 10 - Hollow Darkness

The shear volume of classic / canonical poetry on the internet is awe-inspiring. I would like to use T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men" as a starting point for poetic analysis on the internet.

I've already done a Google search for the poem, and I would like you to read these three versions of the same poem. Note that before the URL, I've named these web pages in the same manner as their authors have. Hopefully this will allow us to begin to distinguish them.

  1. The Hollow Men -
  2. "The Hollow Men" -
  3. A Hypertext Version of T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men" -

  • Read the identical poems in this order.
  • Read each version before you move to the next one.
  • Do not scan them, take note of their differences and similarities.
  • Make notes as you read to help you understand the meaning of the poem.
  • Look up, and then write down all the words you do not understand. I suggest the Canadian Oxford Dictionary, but since you are already online, go to (The Merriam - Webster Online Dictionary).
Questions to consider:
  1. Ask yourself, are the poems different from one another?
  2. Is one version harder to read than another? Why (Consider colour and layout)?
  3. Does the reader's understanding of the theme of the poem change from any particular version?
  4. How can a reader be sure of the authenticity of a poem on the internet?
  5. What are the benefits and disadvantages to having poetry on the internet?
  6. Are there historical or editorial reasons for changes in these poems?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Discussion 9 - Why Write, Right?

This week's blog will take you from the classroom to the real world. It will help you develop notes for the in-class essay, and it will provide the foundation for the questions you will be seeking answers to. This blog will be due on December 9th.

For this week's blog:
Read Orwell's essay and consider why he wrote. Locate and make contact with a reporter from any of the GTA's daily newspapers. Your goal is to discover why your journalist writes. Identify yourself and explain the purpose of the interview. If your subject is receptive, subsequently interview them. You must inform your interviewee that their responses will be blogged on our class blog. Do not ask closed ended questions, questions that can be answered with a 'yes' or 'no' may not give you enough material to work with. We will brainstorm question writing, interview techniques and how to make contact on Monday. Remember to use the tips our guest speaker gave us: W5H, going beyond W5H, silence, target audience(me...), professionalism, detachment, listening, research your interviewee.

For the in-class essay:
Read Orwell's essay, and develop an understanding of his thesis. You will need this for your in-class essay. The essay topic will be posted on the website.

Why I Write

George Orwell

From a very early age, perhaps the age of five or six, I knew that when I grew up I should be a writer. Between the ages of about seventeen and twenty-four I tried to abandon this idea, but I did so with the consciousness that I was outraging my true nature and that sooner or later I should have to settle down and write books.

I was the middle child of three, but there was a gap of five years on either side, and I barely saw my father before I was eight. For this and other reasons I was somewhat lonely, and I soon developed disagreeable mannerisms which made me unpopular throughout my schooldays. I had the lonely child's habit of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginary persons, and I think from the very start my literary ambitions were mixed up with the feeling of being isolated and undervalued. I knew that I had a facility with words and a power of facing unpleasant facts, and I felt that this created a sort of private world in which I could get my own back for my failure in everyday life. Nevertheless the volume of serious — i.e. seriously intended — writing which I produced all through my childhood and boyhood would not amount to half a dozen pages. I wrote my first poem at the age of four or five, my mother taking it down to dictation. I cannot remember anything about it except that it was about a tiger and the tiger had ‘chair-like teeth’ — a good enough phrase, but I fancy the poem was a plagiarism of Blake's ‘Tiger, Tiger’. At eleven, when the war or 1914-18 broke out, I wrote a patriotic poem which was printed in the local newspaper, as was another, two years later, on the death of Kitchener. From time to time, when I was a bit older, I wrote bad and usually unfinished ‘nature poems’ in the Georgian style. I also attempted a short story which was a ghastly failure. That was the total of the would-be serious work that I actually set down on paper during all those years.

However, throughout this time I did in a sense engage in literary activities. To begin with there was the made-to-order stuff which I produced quickly, easily and without much pleasure to myself. Apart from school work, I wrote vers d'occasion, semi-comic poems which I could turn out at what now seems to me astonishing speed — at fourteen I wrote a whole rhyming play, in imitation of Aristophanes, in about a week — and helped to edit a school magazines, both printed and in manuscript. These magazines were the most pitiful burlesque stuff that you could imagine, and I took far less trouble with them than I now would with the cheapest journalism. But side by side with all this, for fifteen years or more, I was carrying out a literary exercise of a quite different kind: this was the making up of a continuous ‘story’ about myself, a sort of diary existing only in the mind. I believe this is a common habit of children and adolescents. As a very small child I used to imagine that I was, say, Robin Hood, and picture myself as the hero of thrilling adventures, but quite soon my ‘story’ ceased to be narcissistic in a crude way and became more and more a mere description of what I was doing and the things I saw. For minutes at a time this kind of thing would be running through my head: ‘He pushed the door open and entered the room. A yellow beam of sunlight, filtering through the muslin curtains, slanted on to the table, where a match-box, half-open, lay beside the inkpot. With his right hand in his pocket he moved across to the window. Down in the street a tortoiseshell cat was chasing a dead leaf’, etc. etc. This habit continued until I was about twenty-five, right through my non-literary years. Although I had to search, and did search, for the right words, I seemed to be making this descriptive effort almost against my will, under a kind of compulsion from outside. The ‘story’ must, I suppose, have reflected the styles of the various writers I admired at different ages, but so far as I remember it always had the same meticulous descriptive quality.

When I was about sixteen I suddenly discovered the joy of mere words, i.e. the sounds and associations of words. The lines from Paradise Lost

So hee with difficulty and labour hard
Moved on: with difficulty and labour hee.

which do not now seem to me so very wonderful, sent shivers down my backbone; and the spelling ‘hee’ for ‘he’ was an added pleasure. As for the need to describe things, I knew all about it already. So it is clear what kind of books I wanted to write, in so far as I could be said to want to write books at that time. I wanted to write enormous naturalistic novels with unhappy endings, full of detailed descriptions and arresting similes, and also full of purple passages in which words were used partly for the sake of their own sound. And in fact my first completed novel, Burmese Days, which I wrote when I was thirty but projected much earlier, is rather that kind of book.

I give all this background information because I do not think one can assess a writer's motives without knowing something of his early development. His subject matter will be determined by the age he lives in — at least this is true in tumultuous, revolutionary ages like our own — but before he ever begins to write he will have acquired an emotional attitude from which he will never completely escape. It is his job, no doubt, to discipline his temperament and avoid getting stuck at some immature stage, in some perverse mood; but if he escapes from his early influences altogether, he will have killed his impulse to write. Putting aside the need to earn a living, I think there are four great motives for writing, at any rate for writing prose. They exist in different degrees in every writer, and in any one writer the proportions will vary from time to time, according to the atmosphere in which he is living. They are:

(i) Sheer egoism. Desire to seem clever, to be talked about, to be remembered after death, to get your own back on the grown-ups who snubbed you in childhood, etc., etc. It is humbug to pretend this is not a motive, and a strong one. Writers share this characteristic with scientists, artists, politicians, lawyers, soldiers, successful businessmen — in short, with the whole top crust of humanity. The great mass of human beings are not acutely selfish. After the age of about thirty they almost abandon the sense of being individuals at all — and live chiefly for others, or are simply smothered under drudgery. But there is also the minority of gifted, willful people who are determined to live their own lives to the end, and writers belong in this class. Serious writers, I should say, are on the whole more vain and self-centered than journalists, though less interested in money.

(ii) Aesthetic enthusiasm. Perception of beauty in the external world, or, on the other hand, in words and their right arrangement. Pleasure in the impact of one sound on another, in the firmness of good prose or the rhythm of a good story. Desire to share an experience which one feels is valuable and ought not to be missed. The aesthetic motive is very feeble in a lot of writers, but even a pamphleteer or writer of textbooks will have pet words and phrases which appeal to him for non-utilitarian reasons; or he may feel strongly about typography, width of margins, etc. Above the level of a railway guide, no book is quite free from aesthetic considerations.

(iii) Historical impulse. Desire to see things as they are, to find out true facts and store them up for the use of posterity.

(iv) Political purpose. — Using the word ‘political’ in the widest possible sense. Desire to push the world in a certain direction, to alter other peoples’ idea of the kind of society that they should strive after. Once again, no book is genuinely free from political bias. The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is itself a political attitude.

It can be seen how these various impulses must war against one another, and how they must fluctuate from person to person and from time to time. By nature — taking your ‘nature’ to be the state you have attained when you are first adult — I am a person in whom the first three motives would outweigh the fourth. In a peaceful age I might have written ornate or merely descriptive books, and might have remained almost unaware of my political loyalties. As it is I have been forced into becoming a sort of pamphleteer. First I spent five years in an unsuitable profession (the Indian Imperial Police, in Burma), and then I underwent poverty and the sense of failure. This increased my natural hatred of authority and made me for the first time fully aware of the existence of the working classes, and the job in Burma had given me some understanding of the nature of imperialism: but these experiences were not enough to give me an accurate political orientation. Then came Hitler, the Spanish Civil War, etc. By the end of 1935 I had still failed to reach a firm decision. I remember a little poem that I wrote at that date, expressing my dilemma:

A happy vicar I might have been
Two hundred years ago
To preach upon eternal doom
And watch my walnuts grow;

But born, alas, in an evil time,
I missed that pleasant haven,
For the hair has grown on my upper lip
And the clergy are all clean-shaven.

And later still the times were good,
We were so easy to please,
We rocked our troubled thoughts to sleep
On the bosoms of the trees.

All ignorant we dared to own
The joys we now dissemble;
The greenfinch on the apple bough
Could make my enemies tremble.

But girl's bellies and apricots,
Roach in a shaded stream,
Horses, ducks in flight at dawn,
All these are a dream.

It is forbidden to dream again;
We maim our joys or hide them:
Horses are made of chromium steel
And little fat men shall ride them.

I am the worm who never turned,
The eunuch without a harem;
Between the priest and the commissar
I walk like Eugene Aram;

And the commissar is telling my fortune
While the radio plays,
But the priest has promised an Austin Seven,
For Duggie always pays.

I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls,
And woke to find it true;
I wasn't born for an age like this;
Was Smith? Was Jones? Were you?

The Spanish war and other events in 1936-37 turned the scale and thereafter I knew where I stood. Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it. It seems to me nonsense, in a period like our own, to think that one can avoid writing of such subjects. Everyone writes of them in one guise or another. It is simply a question of which side one takes and what approach one follows. And the more one is conscious of one's political bias, the more chance one has of acting politically without sacrificing one's aesthetic and intellectual integrity.

What I have most wanted to do throughout the past ten years is to make political writing into an art. My starting point is always a feeling of partisanship, a sense of injustice. When I sit down to write a book, I do not say to myself, ‘I am going to produce a work of art’. I write it because there is some lie that I want to expose, some fact to which I want to draw attention, and my initial concern is to get a hearing. But I could not do the work of writing a book, or even a long magazine article, if it were not also an aesthetic experience. Anyone who cares to examine my work will see that even when it is downright propaganda it contains much that a full-time politician would consider irrelevant. I am not able, and do not want, completely to abandon the world view that I acquired in childhood. So long as I remain alive and well I shall continue to feel strongly about prose style, to love the surface of the earth, and to take a pleasure in solid objects and scraps of useless information. It is no use trying to suppress that side of myself. The job is to reconcile my ingrained likes and dislikes with the essentially public, non-individual activities that this age forces on all of us.

It is not easy. It raises problems of construction and of language, and it raises in a new way the problem of truthfulness. Let me give just one example of the cruder kind of difficulty that arises. My book about the Spanish civil war, Homage to Catalonia, is of course a frankly political book, but in the main it is written with a certain detachment and regard for form. I did try very hard in it to tell the whole truth without violating my literary instincts. But among other things it contains a long chapter, full of newspaper quotations and the like, defending the Trotskyists who were accused of plotting with Franco. Clearly such a chapter, which after a year or two would lose its interest for any ordinary reader, must ruin the book. A critic whom I respect read me a lecture about it. ‘Why did you put in all that stuff?’ he said. ‘You've turned what might have been a good book into journalism.’ What he said was true, but I could not have done otherwise. I happened to know, what very few people in England had been allowed to know, that innocent men were being falsely accused. If I had not been angry about that I should never have written the book.

In one form or another this problem comes up again. The problem of language is subtler and would take too long to discuss. I will only say that of late years I have tried to write less picturesquely and more exactly. In any case I find that by the time you have perfected any style of writing, you have always outgrown it. Animal Farm was the first book in which I tried, with full consciousness of what I was doing, to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole. I have not written a novel for seven years, but I hope to write another fairly soon. It is bound to be a failure, every book is a failure, but I do know with some clarity what kind of book I want to write.

Looking back through the last page or two, I see that I have made it appear as though my motives in writing were wholly public-spirited. I don't want to leave that as the final impression. All writers are vain, selfish, and lazy, and at the very bottom of their motives there lies a mystery. Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. For all one knows that demon is simply the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention. And yet it is also true that one can write nothing readable unless one constantly struggles to efface one's own personality. Good prose is like a windowpane. I cannot say with certainty which of my motives are the strongest, but I know which of them deserve to be followed. And looking back through my work, I see that it is invariably where I lacked a political purpose that I wrote lifeless books and was betrayed into purple passages, sentences without meaning, decorative adjectives and humbug generally.



George Orwell: ‘Why I Write’
First published: Gangrel. — GB, London. — summer 1946.

— ‘Such, Such Were the Joys’. — 1953.
— ‘England Your England and Other Essays’. — 1953.
— ‘The Orwell Reader, Fiction, Essays, and Reportage’ — 1956.
— ‘Collected Essays’. — 1961.
— ‘Decline of the English Murder and Other Essays’. — 1965.
— ‘The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell’. — 1968.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Discussion 8 - Atwood, Orwell and You

Read Margaret Atwood's article, "Orwell and Me" from Guardian Unlimited. I will provide both a URL and the full article.,3604,978156,00.html

Consider the following in your 750 word response:

  • What it's like to experience your adolescence (a critical and confusing phase of your life) in our post 9/11 world.
  • Frye's The Educated Imagination
  • Atwood's last question
  • What you will do with your life

Orwell and me

Margaret Atwood cried her eyes out when she first read Animal Farm at the age of nine. Later, its author became a major influence on her writing. As the centenary of George Orwell's birth approaches, she says he would have plenty to say about the post-9/11 world

Monday June 16, 2003
The Guardian

I grew up with George Orwell. I was born in 1939, and Animal Farm was published in 1945. Thus, I was able to read it at the age of nine. It was lying around the house, and I mistook it for a book about talking animals, sort of like Wind in the Willows. I knew nothing about the kind of politics in the book - the child's version of politics then, just after the war, consisted of the simple notion that Hitler was bad but dead.

So I gobbled up the adventures of Napoleon and Snowball, the smart, greedy, upwardly mobile pigs, and Squealer the spin-doctor, and Boxer the noble but thick-witted horse, and the easily led, slogan-chanting sheep, without making any connection with historical events.

To say that I was horrified by this book is an understatement. The fate of the farm animals was so grim, the pigs so mean and mendacious and treacherous, the sheep so stupid. Children have a keen sense of injustice, and this was the thing that upset me the most: the pigs were so unjust. I cried my eyes out when Boxer the horse had an accident and was carted off to be made into dog food, instead of being given the quiet corner of the pasture he'd been promised.

The whole experience was deeply disturbing to me, but I am forever grateful to Orwell for alerting me early to the danger flags I've tried to watch out for since. In the world of Animal Farm, most speechifying and public palaver is bullshit and instigated lying, and though many characters are good-hearted and mean well, they can be frightened into closing their eyes to what's really going on.

The pigs browbeat the others with ideology, then twist that ideology to suit their own purposes: their language games were evident to me even at that age. As Orwell taught, it isn't the labels - Christianity, Socialism, Islam, Democracy, Two Legs Bad, Four Legs Good, the works - that are definitive, but the acts done in their name.

I could see, too, how easily those who have toppled an oppressive power take on its trappings and habits. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was right to warn us that democracy is the hardest form of government to maintain; Orwell knew that to the marrow of his bones, because he had seen it in action.

How quickly the precept "All Animals Are Equal" is changed into "All Animals Are Equal, but Some Are More Equal Than Others". What oily concern the pigs show for the welfare of the other animals, a concern that disguises their contempt for those they are manipulating.

With what alacrity do they put on the once-despised uniforms of the tyrannous humans they have overthrown, and learn to use their whips. How self-righteously they justify their actions, helped by the verbal web-spinning of Squealer, their nimble-tongued press agent, until all power is in their trotters, pretence is no longer necessary, and they rule by naked force.

A revolution often means only that: a revolving, a turn of the wheel of fortune, by which those who were at the bottom mount to the top, and assume the choice positions, crushing the former power-holders beneath them. We should beware of all those who plaster the landscape with large portraits of themselves, like the evil pig, Napoleon.

Animal Farm is one of the most spectacular Emperor-Has-No-Clothes books of the 20th century, and it got George Orwell into trouble. People who run counter to the current popular wisdom, who point out the uncomfortably obvious, are likely to be strenuously baa-ed at by herds of angry sheep. I didn't have all that figured out at the age of nine, of course - not in any conscious way. But we learn the patterns of stories before we learn their meanings, and Animal Farm has a very clear pattern.

Then along came Nineteen Eighty-Four, which was published in 1949. Thus, I read it in paperback a couple of years later, when I was in high school. Then I read it again, and again: it was right up there among my favourite books, along with Wuthering Heights.

At the same time, I absorbed its two companions, Arthur Koestler's Darkness At Noon and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. I was keen on all three of them, but I understood Darkness At Noon to be a tragedy about events that had already happened, and Brave New World to be a satirical comedy, with events that were unlikely to unfold in exactly that way. (Orgy-Porgy, indeed.)

Nineteen Eighty-Four struck me as more realistic, probably because Winston Smith was more like me - a skinny person who got tired a lot and was subjected to physical education under chilly conditions (this was a feature of my school) - and who was silently at odds with the ideas and the manner of life proposed for him. (This may be one of the reasons Nineteen-Eighty-Four is best read when you are an adolescent: most adolescents feel like that.)

I sympathised particularly with Winston's desire to write his forbidden thoughts down in a deliciously tempting, secret blank book: I had not yet started to write, but I could see the attractions of it. I could also see the dangers, because it's this scribbling of his - along with illicit sex, another item with considerable allure for a teenager of the 50s - that gets Winston into such a mess.

Animal Farm charts the progress of an idealistic movement of liberation towards a totalitarian dictatorship headed by a despotic tyrant; Nineteen Eighty-Four describes what it's like to live entirely within such a system. Its hero, Winston, has only fragmentary memories of what life was like before the present dreadful regime set in: he's an orphan, a child of the collectivity. His father died in the war that has ushered in the repression, and his mother has disappeared, leaving him with only the reproachful glance she gave him as he betrayed her over a chocolate bar - a small betrayal that acts both as the key to Winston's character and as a precursor to the many other betrayals in the book.

The government of Airstrip One, Winston's "country", is brutal. The constant surveillance, the impossibility of speaking frankly to anyone, the looming, ominous figure of Big Brother, the regime's need for enemies and wars - fictitious though both may be - which are used to terrify the people and unite them in hatred, the mind-numbing slogans, the distortions of language, the destruction of what has really happened by stuffing any record of it down the Memory Hole - these made a deep impression on me. Let me re-state that: they frightened the stuffing out of me. Orwell was writing a satire about Stalin's Soviet Union, a place about which I knew very little at the age of 14, but he did it so well that I could imagine such things happening anywhere.

There is no love interest in Animal Farm, but there is in Nineteen Eighty-Four. Winston finds a soulmate in Julia; outwardly a devoted Party fanatic, secretly a girl who enjoys sex and makeup and other spots of decadence. But the two lovers are discovered, and Winston is tortured for thought-crime - inner disloyalty to the regime.

He feels that if he can only remain faithful in his heart to Julia, his soul will be saved - a romantic concept, though one we are likely to endorse. But like all absolutist governments and religions, the Party demands that every personal loyalty be sacrificed to it, and replaced with an absolute loyalty to Big Brother.

Confronted with his worst fear in the dreaded Room 101, where a nasty device involving a cage-full of starving rats can be fitted to the eyes, Winston breaks: "Don't do it to me," he pleads, "do it to Julia." (This sentence has become shorthand in our household for the avoidance of onerous duties. Poor Julia - how hard we would make her life if she actually existed. She'd have to be on a lot of panel discussions, for instance.)

After his betrayal of Julia, Winston becomes a handful of malleable goo. He truly believes that two and two make five, and that he loves Big Brother. Our last glimpse of him is sitting drink-sodden at an outdoor cafe, knowing he's a dead man walking and having learned that Julia has betrayed him, too, while he listens to a popular refrain: "Under the spreading chestnut tree/ I sold you and you sold me ..."

Orwell has been accused of bitterness and pessimism - of leaving us with a vision of the future in which the individual has no chance, and where the brutal, totalitarian boot of the all-controlling Party will grind into the human face, for ever.

But this view of Orwell is contradicted by the last chapter in the book, an essay on Newspeak - the doublethink language concocted by the regime. By expurgating all words that might be troublesome - "bad" is no longer permitted, but becomes "double-plus-ungood" - and by making other words mean the opposite of what they used to mean - the place where people get tortured is the Ministry of Love, the building where the past is destroyed is the Ministry of Information - the rulers of Airstrip One wish to make it literally impossible for people to think straight. However, the essay on Newspeak is written in standard English, in the third person, and in the past tense, which can only mean that the regime has fallen, and that language and individuality have survived. For whoever has written the essay on Newspeak, the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four is over. Thus, it's my view that Orwell had much more faith in the resilience of the human spirit than he's usually been given credit for.

Orwell became a direct model for me much later in my life - in the real 1984, the year in which I began writing a somewhat different dystopia, The Handmaid's Tale. By that time I was 44, and I had learned enough about real despotisms - through the reading of history, travel, and my membership of Amnesty International - so that I didn't need to rely on Orwell alone.

The majority of dystopias - Orwell's included - have been written by men, and the point of view has been male. When women have appeared in them, they have been either sexless automatons or rebels who have defied the sex rules of the regime. They have acted as the temptresses of the male protagonists, however welcome this temptation may be to the men themselves.

Thus Julia; thus the cami-knicker-wearing, orgy-porgy seducer of the Savage in Brave New World; thus the subversive femme fatale of Yevgeny Zamyatin's 1924 seminal classic, We. I wanted to try a dystopia from the female point of view - the world according to Julia, as it were. However, this does not make The Handmaid's Tale a "feminist dystopia", except insofar as giving a woman a voice and an inner life will always be considered "feminist" by those who think women ought not to have these things.

The 20th century could be seen as a race between two versions of man-made hell - the jackbooted state totalitarianism of Orwell's Nineteen Eight-Four, and the hedonistic ersatz paradise of Brave New World, where absolutely everything is a consumer good and human beings are engineered to be happy. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, it seemed for a time that Brave New World had won - from henceforth, state control would be minimal, and all we would have to do was go shopping and smile a lot, and wallow in pleasures, popping a pill or two when depression set in.

But with 9/11, all that changed. Now it appears we face the prospect of two contradictory dystopias at once - open markets, closed minds - because state surveillance is back again with a vengeance. The torturer's dreaded Room 101 has been with us for millennia. The dungeons of Rome, the Inquisition, the Star Chamber, the Bastille, the proceedings of General Pinochet and of the junta in Argentina - all have depended on secrecy and on the abuse of power. Lots of countries have had their versions of it - their ways of silencing troublesome dissent.

Democracies have traditionally defined themselves by, among other things - openness and the rule of law. But now it seems that we in the west are tacitly legitimising the methods of the darker human past, upgraded technologically and sanctified to our own uses, of course. For the sake of freedom, freedom must be renounced. To move us towards the improved world - the utopia we're promised - dystopia must first hold sway.

It's a concept worthy of doublethink. It's also, in its ordering of events, strangely Marxist. First the dictatorship of the proletariat, in which lots of heads must roll; then the pie-in-the-sky classless society, which oddly enough never materialises. Instead, we just get pigs with whips.

I often ask myself: what would George Orwell have to say about it?

Quite a lot.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Discussion 7 - The Great 1984 Article Hunt

The purpose of this week's discussion is twofold.
Firstly, you'll begin to start thinking about the world you live in, and the world Winston lives in. Secondly, you'll learn how to focus a search by using specific keywords, or combinations of keywords. Consider using combinations of words rather than asking a question or typing a sentence.

Search the Internet and find a legitimate newspaper, magazine, or scholarly article that deals with the reality (social or political) portrayed in 1984. Consider articles which deal with comparing aspects of our world with that of Orwell's dystopia.

Once you've found an article, write a summary or response to the article. Your summary must follow the criteria set out for our class's blog.

Copy and paste the original article after your summary / response. Be sure to include the URL underneath your copy of the article.


Reserve your article by posting a comment to this thread, and state the URL, article title and author.

Search Engines of noticeable consideration:

Google -
Google News -
Google Scholar -

Search Engine tips:

Read this amazing explanation
Use keywords
Use combinations of keywords
Do not type sentences or questions
Use quotations to force a word order
Use the + sign to force a connection

Keywords (I didn't think that I needed to do this, but given the responces ...)
George Orwell

Monday, October 22, 2007

Discussion 6 - The Motive for Metaphor

We've discussed Frye's first essay / lecture, "The Motive for Metaphor", in class. Give a poetic example of how, "the motive for metaphor, according to Wallace Stevens, is a desire to associate, and finally to identify, the human mind with what goes on outside of it" (Frye).

For the poetic source, please use a song you enjoy.

  • Include your poem/song in your response.
  • Try to place your poem/song after your introduction paragraph.
  • Explain your choice.
  • Cite your poem/song, using a MLA listing.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Discussion 5 - Your Imagination

Who is ultimately responsible for your mind?

This weeks assignment is two-fold, it tackles both persuasive writing, and it starts you thinking about the larger assignment for The Educated Imagination.

Write an open letter to the Ministry of Education arguing persuasively that mythology should become part of the Secondary School English Curriculum.

Use both Frye's The Educated Imagination and the mythology package that I gave you as starting points. Secondary sources are most welcome, but must be cited.

Use at least three rhetorical devices to persuade your reader. There are three pages of rhetorical devices on the website.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Discussion 4 Bonus - Mom and Dad, meet Hamlet

Rent or borrow a copy of Hamlet. Consider a video rental store, a public library, a friend, or a family member as a borrowing source.

I think you'll have greater success finding a copy of,

Hamlet - Mel Gibson
Hamlet - Kenneth Branagh
Hamlet - Ethan Hawk
Hamlet - Laurence Olivier

If you find another version, I would like to know about it before you proceed.

Watch it ONCE, with your parents / guardian (yes, I mean together in the same room, at the same time). Answer these questions:
  • What did you think of the adaptation?
  • What did your parent / guardian think of the film?
  • What was your parent's / guardian's reaction to the character, Hamlet?
  • Is their reaction to Hamlet as portrayed in the film similar to your understanding of Hamlet from the actual play?
Explain and prove your findings using quotes from the participants.

Discussion 4 - Insight via Soliloquy

Choose any two soliloquies spoken by Hamlet in Hamlet.

Discuss how the two soliloquies give an insight to mental / emotional state of the character at two points in the play.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Discussion 3 - Writing

Consider the division between what you write about and how you proceed to write it.

Have you ever thought about your writing?

Do you want to continue writing using the same (read limited) vocabulary and sentence structure as you use now for the rest of your life?

Do you think that university will teach you to write, or that you should start university with an emerging writers voice?

Next year, regardless of your discipline, you will be judged by your writing. Consider that your ideas on a topic or subject will always be filtered by your ability to articulate your thoughts and set them down on paper. Always.

Your vocabulary and sentence structure develop by reading. Read everything: magazines, poetry, newspapers, the back of a cereal boxes, both professional and amateur writing on the internet, comic books, texts, and if all else fails, novels. When you encounter a word that you cannot define for your mom, or little brother or your English teacher, stop reading- grab a dictionary and look up the word.

Commit the following to memory, "Writing is a cyclical process". It usually is not a linear process. Understand now that authors, textbook writers, and poets all start and write / rewrite their work until they begin to see that their words stand alone.

Start by reading the resources that I will post in the Writing section of the course website.

To help you sort out my resources (not the Writing Process examples) start with 'Writing' on the website.

For this week's assignment, choose a structure and explain it to me in this week's posting. The due date for this weeks blog is Monday at 12:00 pm.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Discussion 2 - You say solid, I say sullied

You have 3 choices for this weeks blog. Please respect the limit if 10 replies per topic as explained in the blog's instructions.

  1. Read the entire article for The Prince at Wikipedia. The article is here. How do the ruling characters in Act 1 of Hamlet act in accordance with the principals set forth by Machiavelli?
  2. What does the Hamlet's first soliloquy reveal about the him? How does it affect the mood in Act 1? How does this effect you? I am looking for a close reading. If your next question is "close reading?", please read this. It will help. Be careful of the sources that you find explaining close readings; they can be discouraging.
  3. Poetry is living language. Find lines that speak to you in Act 1. Quote them fully and explain them as best you can. Why do you love these lines? What do they reveal about the characters that speak them, what do they reveal about you- the person that likes them?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Discussion 1 Bonus - The Dead

Read Joyce's The Dead. Isolate and discuss the theme of this short story.
A copy of this story can be found on the course website.

Note this bonus is indicative of most of the blog bonuses- not for the faint of heart.

Discussion 1 - The Matter of Theme

The first three short stories that I've assigned deal with the central character experiencing an epiphany. Reread Indian Camp, Araby and Soldiers Home.
Articulate your own themes.
Be original by developing your own ideas- not ones found haphazardly on the internet or, God forbid, a book.
Once you have developed your themes, compare the theme of any two of the stories.
Please note that posting expectations have been outlined in the April 2006 post, Welcome.
These short stories can be found on the course website.

Friday, August 10, 2007

The End is the Beginning

I've promised to start a non-course related reading checklist.

In the event that you are marooned on a south seas island, it might just make those long days meaningful.

The list will eventually show up on the course web site, not the blog.

It will be:
  • predictable
  • oh so grounded in the western tradition
  • trite
  • a reason to say "i likes books"

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Polls and Highlights has added poll functionality, so I decided to experiment with it. I also stumbled across text highlighting! Yeah!

Monday, June 18, 2007

ENG4U1-07 June 2007


Last year I wrote the following:

Thank you for participating in my pedagogical experiment. Your writings, will remain here. In the years to come, other students will contribute to what you've helped to create. Like you, they will struggle and hopefully, grow.
Others still, will eventually come across these writings, and because of your words, they'll see the world through your mind. The mind of a beginner.

Ovid said this better than I could have:

Adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit. - Add little to little and there will be a big pile.

Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi, sed saepe cadendo. - The drop hollows out the stone by frequent dropping, not by force; constant persistence gains the end.

This year, I want to send the same message.



Saturday, June 09, 2007

Student Gen: The Educated Imagination: The Imagination in Our Lives

In The Educated Imagination Frye discusses the human imagination. Frye claims that the imagination plays a role throughout literature, as well as in everyday life. Where is the human imagination present in society?

Frye uses Nineteen-Eighty Four as an example to state that “the only way…to create a literal hell on earth, is deliberately to debase our language by turning our speech into automatic gabble.” (92) If successful this destruction of language will control the actions of humanity. If this is true, how does the imagination influence action?

Student Gen: The Educated Imagination: Why Study Literature?

In The Educated Imagination Frye argues, Wherever illiteracy is a problem, it's as fundamental a problem as getting enough to eat or a place to sleep. The native language takes precedence over every other subject of study: nothing else can compare with it in usefulness” . Frye also explains that without literature math and science would not be able to exist. If this is true then our society is built on literature and everything else is built on top of it. However one could counter this argument by explaining that literature is a tool used to explain the math and science’s.
Using Frye's The Educated Imagination and other research discuss:
What good is the study of literature?
Is the study of literature as important as math and science in constructing the society we live in?

Student Gen: 1984: Hope begins in the dark

Ostensibly there appears to be little in Nineteen Eighty-Four to suggest that ‘man is indestructible because of his simple will to freedom’. Winston Smith’s will to freedom can be seen, instead, to directly bring about his destruction. Little hope seems to be offered that this destruction is anything other than complete, an effect implied in part by a shift in the tone of the free indirect discourse which has established the narrative viewpoint of Nineteen Eighty-Four. The questioning, reflective language Winston employs throughout most of the text is replaced by the ideological cant of the Party: ‘it was alright, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother’

Taken from:

It is mentioned in the novel that the hope of the society lies with in the proles, for they have boundless political liberty, proving that man is indestructible for he has the human spark and the simple will to freedom. Discuss how humanity can lead to its own downfall and how a prole-like environment can be the last potential hope to deliver its salvation.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Student Gen: 1984: "The Last Man in Europe"

Originally Orwell titled the book The Last Man in Europe, but his publisher, Frederic Warburg, suggested a change to assist in the book's marketing. Orwell did not object to this suggestion. The reasons for selection of this particular year are not known. Orwell may have only switched the last two digits of the year in which he wrote the book - '1948' became the distant and yet not unimaginable '1984'. Alternatively, he may have been alluding to the centenary of the Fabian Society, a socialist organization founded in 1884. The allusion may have also been to Jack London's novel The Iron Heel (in which the power of a political movement reaches its height in 1984), to G. K. Chesterton's The Napoleon of Notting Hill (also set in that year), or to a poem by his wife, Eileen O'Shaughnessy, called "End of the Century, 1984". A final supposed explanation is that his original re-titling was to be 1980; however, with his illness the book was taking a long time to write, so he felt obliged to push the story further and further into the future.

Taken from Wikipedia:

The original title for George Orwell's 1984 is "The Last Man in Europe". With this thought in mind, why do you think Orwell would want to go with this title? Use examples from the novel with at least one example from each part.

Student Gen: 1984: the Blank Slate Theory-" Tabula Rasa"

“How is it that human beings can know anything? And how should they try to live?” These were two outstanding questions, philosopher, John Locke addressed in his intellectual life. One of his theories, the Blank Slate Theory, is the theory in which an individual human being is born with no innate content. He even illustrates this theory by saying, “Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white paper void of all characters; without any ideas… Whence comes it by that vast store which the busy and boundless fancy of man has painted on it with an almost endless variety? Whence has it all the materials of reason and knowledge? To this I answer, in one word, for experience”. Do you believe that this theory is evident in 1984? If so, how does it relate to 1984? Is it that the Party tries to narrow the mind to only a blank slate?

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Student Gen: 1984: Becoming Winston

In George Orwell's 1984, Winston Smith's fate is predetermined and he is well aware of the consequences of his actions against the Party. After reading 1984, you are also aware of how Big Brother works. Knowing what you know now...

Imagine yourself as Winston Smith, from the beginning of 1984 until its ending. What would you do to undermine the Party? What would you do similarly or differently than Winston? And lastly, how would you avoid the fate that awaits you?

Student Gen: 1984: Dislocation of Eloquence

George Orwell creates a ‘fictitious’ society, one that is under constant surveillance and ruled over by a totalitarian political regime called the Party. In this society, the English language is slowly diminishing and becoming Newspeak, a language that is constantly decreasing its vocabulary. In Educated Imagination by Northrop Frye, Frye mentions “Orwell’s Nineteen eighty-four … Orwell even goes as far as to suggest the only way to make tyranny permanent…is [to] deliberately debase our language by turning our speech into automatic gabble.” (91-92). How does the Party use the Newspeak language as a control mechanism over the Inner and Outer Party members?

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Discussion 13 - Driving 1984

For Discussion 13, I would like 10 students to create 5 blog entries. The rest of the class is responsible to respond twice (250 words each), anywhere they see fit.

  1. Yes, 10 / 5 = 2.
  2. Yes, 2 means a pair.
  3. Yes, I mean work in groups of 2.
  4. Yes, I mean a blog entry, not a comment.
  5. Yes, I mean in our class blog.
  6. Yes, If you're not part of a pair writing the blog entry, you are writing 2 250 word responses to any of the 5 student generated blog entries.
This opportunity will present itself again until all students have been given a chance to create entries for other units.

Topic: 1984

Discussion 12 - Driving The Educated Imagination

For Discussion 12, I would like 10 students to create 5 blog entries. The rest of the class is responsible to respond twice (250 words each), anywhere they see fit.

  1. Yes, 10 / 5 = 2.
  2. Yes, 2 means a pair.
  3. Yes, I mean work in groups of 2.
  4. Yes, I mean a blog entry, not a comment.
  5. Yes, I mean in our class blog.
  6. Yes, If you're not part of a pair writing the blog entry, you are writing 2 250 word responses to any of the 5 student generated blog entries.
This opportunity will present itself again until all students have been given a chance to create entries for other units.

Topic: The Educated Imagination

Discussion 11 - Atwood, Orwell and You

This blog will have a greater weight than your previous blogs.

Read Margaret Atwood's article, "Orwell and Me" from Guardian Unlimited. I will provide both a URL and the full article.,3604,978156,00.html

Consider the following in your 750 word response:

  • What you have learnt in ENG4U
  • What it's like to experience your adolescence (a critical and confusing phase of your life) in our post 9/11 world.
  • Frye's The Educated Imagination
  • Atwood's last question
  • What you will do with your life

Orwell and me

Margaret Atwood cried her eyes out when she first read Animal Farm at the age of nine. Later, its author became a major influence on her writing. As the centenary of George Orwell's birth approaches, she says he would have plenty to say about the post-9/11 world

Monday June 16, 2003
The Guardian

I grew up with George Orwell. I was born in 1939, and Animal Farm was published in 1945. Thus, I was able to read it at the age of nine. It was lying around the house, and I mistook it for a book about talking animals, sort of like Wind in the Willows. I knew nothing about the kind of politics in the book - the child's version of politics then, just after the war, consisted of the simple notion that Hitler was bad but dead.

So I gobbled up the adventures of Napoleon and Snowball, the smart, greedy, upwardly mobile pigs, and Squealer the spin-doctor, and Boxer the noble but thick-witted horse, and the easily led, slogan-chanting sheep, without making any connection with historical events.

To say that I was horrified by this book is an understatement. The fate of the farm animals was so grim, the pigs so mean and mendacious and treacherous, the sheep so stupid. Children have a keen sense of injustice, and this was the thing that upset me the most: the pigs were so unjust. I cried my eyes out when Boxer the horse had an accident and was carted off to be made into dog food, instead of being given the quiet corner of the pasture he'd been promised.

The whole experience was deeply disturbing to me, but I am forever grateful to Orwell for alerting me early to the danger flags I've tried to watch out for since. In the world of Animal Farm, most speechifying and public palaver is bullshit and instigated lying, and though many characters are good-hearted and mean well, they can be frightened into closing their eyes to what's really going on.

The pigs browbeat the others with ideology, then twist that ideology to suit their own purposes: their language games were evident to me even at that age. As Orwell taught, it isn't the labels - Christianity, Socialism, Islam, Democracy, Two Legs Bad, Four Legs Good, the works - that are definitive, but the acts done in their name.

I could see, too, how easily those who have toppled an oppressive power take on its trappings and habits. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was right to warn us that democracy is the hardest form of government to maintain; Orwell knew that to the marrow of his bones, because he had seen it in action.

How quickly the precept "All Animals Are Equal" is changed into "All Animals Are Equal, but Some Are More Equal Than Others". What oily concern the pigs show for the welfare of the other animals, a concern that disguises their contempt for those they are manipulating.

With what alacrity do they put on the once-despised uniforms of the tyrannous humans they have overthrown, and learn to use their whips. How self-righteously they justify their actions, helped by the verbal web-spinning of Squealer, their nimble-tongued press agent, until all power is in their trotters, pretence is no longer necessary, and they rule by naked force.

A revolution often means only that: a revolving, a turn of the wheel of fortune, by which those who were at the bottom mount to the top, and assume the choice positions, crushing the former power-holders beneath them. We should beware of all those who plaster the landscape with large portraits of themselves, like the evil pig, Napoleon.

Animal Farm is one of the most spectacular Emperor-Has-No-Clothes books of the 20th century, and it got George Orwell into trouble. People who run counter to the current popular wisdom, who point out the uncomfortably obvious, are likely to be strenuously baa-ed at by herds of angry sheep. I didn't have all that figured out at the age of nine, of course - not in any conscious way. But we learn the patterns of stories before we learn their meanings, and Animal Farm has a very clear pattern.

Then along came Nineteen Eighty-Four, which was published in 1949. Thus, I read it in paperback a couple of years later, when I was in high school. Then I read it again, and again: it was right up there among my favourite books, along with Wuthering Heights.

At the same time, I absorbed its two companions, Arthur Koestler's Darkness At Noon and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. I was keen on all three of them, but I understood Darkness At Noon to be a tragedy about events that had already happened, and Brave New World to be a satirical comedy, with events that were unlikely to unfold in exactly that way. (Orgy-Porgy, indeed.)

Nineteen Eighty-Four struck me as more realistic, probably because Winston Smith was more like me - a skinny person who got tired a lot and was subjected to physical education under chilly conditions (this was a feature of my school) - and who was silently at odds with the ideas and the manner of life proposed for him. (This may be one of the reasons Nineteen-Eighty-Four is best read when you are an adolescent: most adolescents feel like that.)

I sympathised particularly with Winston's desire to write his forbidden thoughts down in a deliciously tempting, secret blank book: I had not yet started to write, but I could see the attractions of it. I could also see the dangers, because it's this scribbling of his - along with illicit sex, another item with considerable allure for a teenager of the 50s - that gets Winston into such a mess.

Animal Farm charts the progress of an idealistic movement of liberation towards a totalitarian dictatorship headed by a despotic tyrant; Nineteen Eighty-Four describes what it's like to live entirely within such a system. Its hero, Winston, has only fragmentary memories of what life was like before the present dreadful regime set in: he's an orphan, a child of the collectivity. His father died in the war that has ushered in the repression, and his mother has disappeared, leaving him with only the reproachful glance she gave him as he betrayed her over a chocolate bar - a small betrayal that acts both as the key to Winston's character and as a precursor to the many other betrayals in the book.

The government of Airstrip One, Winston's "country", is brutal. The constant surveillance, the impossibility of speaking frankly to anyone, the looming, ominous figure of Big Brother, the regime's need for enemies and wars - fictitious though both may be - which are used to terrify the people and unite them in hatred, the mind-numbing slogans, the distortions of language, the destruction of what has really happened by stuffing any record of it down the Memory Hole - these made a deep impression on me. Let me re-state that: they frightened the stuffing out of me. Orwell was writing a satire about Stalin's Soviet Union, a place about which I knew very little at the age of 14, but he did it so well that I could imagine such things happening anywhere.

There is no love interest in Animal Farm, but there is in Nineteen Eighty-Four. Winston finds a soulmate in Julia; outwardly a devoted Party fanatic, secretly a girl who enjoys sex and makeup and other spots of decadence. But the two lovers are discovered, and Winston is tortured for thought-crime - inner disloyalty to the regime.

He feels that if he can only remain faithful in his heart to Julia, his soul will be saved - a romantic concept, though one we are likely to endorse. But like all absolutist governments and religions, the Party demands that every personal loyalty be sacrificed to it, and replaced with an absolute loyalty to Big Brother.

Confronted with his worst fear in the dreaded Room 101, where a nasty device involving a cage-full of starving rats can be fitted to the eyes, Winston breaks: "Don't do it to me," he pleads, "do it to Julia." (This sentence has become shorthand in our household for the avoidance of onerous duties. Poor Julia - how hard we would make her life if she actually existed. She'd have to be on a lot of panel discussions, for instance.)

After his betrayal of Julia, Winston becomes a handful of malleable goo. He truly believes that two and two make five, and that he loves Big Brother. Our last glimpse of him is sitting drink-sodden at an outdoor cafe, knowing he's a dead man walking and having learned that Julia has betrayed him, too, while he listens to a popular refrain: "Under the spreading chestnut tree/ I sold you and you sold me ..."

Orwell has been accused of bitterness and pessimism - of leaving us with a vision of the future in which the individual has no chance, and where the brutal, totalitarian boot of the all-controlling Party will grind into the human face, for ever.

But this view of Orwell is contradicted by the last chapter in the book, an essay on Newspeak - the doublethink language concocted by the regime. By expurgating all words that might be troublesome - "bad" is no longer permitted, but becomes "double-plus-ungood" - and by making other words mean the opposite of what they used to mean - the place where people get tortured is the Ministry of Love, the building where the past is destroyed is the Ministry of Information - the rulers of Airstrip One wish to make it literally impossible for people to think straight. However, the essay on Newspeak is written in standard English, in the third person, and in the past tense, which can only mean that the regime has fallen, and that language and individuality have survived. For whoever has written the essay on Newspeak, the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four is over. Thus, it's my view that Orwell had much more faith in the resilience of the human spirit than he's usually been given credit for.

Orwell became a direct model for me much later in my life - in the real 1984, the year in which I began writing a somewhat different dystopia, The Handmaid's Tale. By that time I was 44, and I had learned enough about real despotisms - through the reading of history, travel, and my membership of Amnesty International - so that I didn't need to rely on Orwell alone.

The majority of dystopias - Orwell's included - have been written by men, and the point of view has been male. When women have appeared in them, they have been either sexless automatons or rebels who have defied the sex rules of the regime. They have acted as the temptresses of the male protagonists, however welcome this temptation may be to the men themselves.

Thus Julia; thus the cami-knicker-wearing, orgy-porgy seducer of the Savage in Brave New World; thus the subversive femme fatale of Yevgeny Zamyatin's 1924 seminal classic, We. I wanted to try a dystopia from the female point of view - the world according to Julia, as it were. However, this does not make The Handmaid's Tale a "feminist dystopia", except insofar as giving a woman a voice and an inner life will always be considered "feminist" by those who think women ought not to have these things.

The 20th century could be seen as a race between two versions of man-made hell - the jackbooted state totalitarianism of Orwell's Nineteen Eight-Four, and the hedonistic ersatz paradise of Brave New World, where absolutely everything is a consumer good and human beings are engineered to be happy. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, it seemed for a time that Brave New World had won - from henceforth, state control would be minimal, and all we would have to do was go shopping and smile a lot, and wallow in pleasures, popping a pill or two when depression set in.

But with 9/11, all that changed. Now it appears we face the prospect of two contradictory dystopias at once - open markets, closed minds - because state surveillance is back again with a vengeance. The torturer's dreaded Room 101 has been with us for millennia. The dungeons of Rome, the Inquisition, the Star Chamber, the Bastille, the proceedings of General Pinochet and of the junta in Argentina - all have depended on secrecy and on the abuse of power. Lots of countries have had their versions of it - their ways of silencing troublesome dissent.

Democracies have traditionally defined themselves by, among other things - openness and the rule of law. But now it seems that we in the west are tacitly legitimising the methods of the darker human past, upgraded technologically and sanctified to our own uses, of course. For the sake of freedom, freedom must be renounced. To move us towards the improved world - the utopia we're promised - dystopia must first hold sway.

It's a concept worthy of doublethink. It's also, in its ordering of events, strangely Marxist. First the dictatorship of the proletariat, in which lots of heads must roll; then the pie-in-the-sky classless society, which oddly enough never materialises. Instead, we just get pigs with whips.

I often ask myself: what would George Orwell have to say about it?

Quite a lot.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Discussion 10 Bonus - The Great 1984 Article Hunt: Student Response

This week's bonus blog is simple:
  1. Comment on one article that someone in the class posted. Focus your honest response towards the article that the person found. Share your ideas with the class.
  2. Indicate early on in your response as to who you are writing to.
  3. Your comment must follow the established criteria.
  4. Only one student may comment on any other given student. In the event of a odd number of posts, the last student may choose to write their response to a person who has already been responded to.

Discussion 10 - The Great 1984 Article Hunt

The purpose of this week's discussion is twofold. Firstly, you'll begin to start thinking about the world you live in, and the world Winston lives in. Secondly, you'll learn how to focus a search by using specific keywords, or combinations of keywords. Consider using combinations of words rather than asking a question or typing a sentence.

You cannot use an article that was done during the May 2006 version of this assignment.
  1. Search the Internet and find a legitimate newspaper, magazine, or scholarly article that deals with the reality (social or political) portrayed in 1984. Consider articles which deal with comparing aspects of our world with that of Orwell's dystopia.
  2. Once you've found an article, write a summary or response to the article. Your summary must follow the criteria set out for our class's blog.
  3. Copy and paste the original article after your summary / response. Be sure to include the URL underneath your copy of the article.

Search Engines of noticeable consideration:

Search Engine tips:

Keywords (I didn't think that I needed to do this, but given the responces ...)
  • 1984
  • George Orwell
  • Orwellian
If you've read this far, you might as well look at this one page search engine guide that I put together for our class.
  • Go to our course website, and on the main page, select the Search Engine Guide.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Discussion 9 - The Educated Imagination

This week's blog should begin to prime your mind for the final exam.

Topic: Why educate your imagination?

Please make sure to use textual support from the primary text, Frye's The Educated Imagination.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Student Gen: The Greater Meaning

Consider the following concept used when studying Renaissance Literature:

“Art as Mirror: The idea that one function of a work of art is to hold a mirror up to the world and to the audience of the work. The work should reflect the beauty and/or the unattractive aspects of the world and of human behavior. If a work dwells on beauty, it inspires us to make that beauty a part of our own lives and outlook. If the work concentrates on unattractive aspects of the natural or social world, it teaches us that this world cannot be relied upon, or it shows us the kind of behavior and attitudes to avoid. Art is a mirror in the sense that it gives us a chance to ask ourselves if we see reflections of our own faults and sins in the characters or actions depicted, it helps motivate us to change for the better.”
Frost, Jeff. "Some Concepts for Analyzing Renaissance Literature." Fedora Core Test Page. 01jan1996. Fedora Project website. 20 Apr 2007 .

The complexity of the persona that is Hamlet allows him to transcend the play and become human. This is proven when he ponders the question of the ties between existence and action, “To be or not to be”(3.1.56), which bridge the turmoil within his mind to become that which can be our own. The ultimate point of Hamlet is to relate it to your life; it is a play about what it means to be human.

Your task is to:

a) Apply Hamlet to your life by reflecting on how you can relate to him.
b) Relate Hamlet to another character(s) from a previously studied text, incorporating emotional parallels and touching upon the greater theme of the human condition.

Student Gen: Hamlet and the Fishmonger

Irony is a special use of double meaning, as when someone makes a remark which, while clearly saying one thing, hints at a further and different meaning which only certain hearers would understand. The effect of such speech is often bitter and a bit sinister, always concentrated and full of suggestion. Irony maybe of situation as well as of speech, as when Hamlet spares Claudius at his prayers (Act 4, Scene 3), thinking that Claudius is making his peace with God, while in fact, Claudius is merely discovering that he cannot repent and that to continue in villainous intrigue is his only course. The whole bent of Hamlet’s mind, especially in his riddling speeches, is ironical. The device is very effective because of the note of grim humour, the sharp twist it can administer.

Dramatic irony is a special type. It depend on the fact that some characters in the play know more than others and that the audience can see more than any of them. Thus quite innocent remark will have a by no means innocent meaning to the audience. One example o this is Claudius’ speech to Laertes (Act 4, Scene 7). He has diverted Laertes’ revengeful energy onto Hamlet; then he says, “You shortly shall hear more,” (4.7.33) meaning the news of Hamlet’s death in England. But we know from Act 4, Scene 6 that Hamlet has returned and Claudius will hear more in a sense very different from his own meaning.

Using above as a reference to irony and dramatic irony, please discuss how the theme of irony and/or dramatic irony has affected Act 5 of Hamlet.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Student Gen: The Grave Loss of Innocence

In the catastrophe of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the audience witnesses a transformation in Hamlet’s character as he progresses towards his obligation.

In Act 5, Scene 1 when Hamlet leaps into Ophelia’s grave grappling Laertes he screams “I prithee take thy fingers from my throat, / For though I am not splenative and rash, / Yet have in me something dangerous, / Which let thy wiseness fear.” (5. 1. 253-256)

In this impulsive moment what do you feel is Hamlet’s rationale behind his action? What would enrage Hamlet to target Laertes or what would provoke Hamlet to act without discretion? Could there possibly be another motive…?

Take Note of:
  • Parallelism
  • Theme of repressed emotions
  • Hamlet’s growth as a character throughout the play

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Student Gen: True Intentions

"Some critics have concentrated on Hamlet's revenge for his father's death—which directly and indirectly leads to the demise of nearly all of the major characters in the drama, including Hamlet himself—asserting that it raises the moral question of whether or not the prince is basically good or evil in his intentions."

You can read more and the full critical response at

Please respond to this statement, whether you believe that Hamlet had good or evil intentions? Provide textual evidence and DO NOT SIT ON THE FENCE

Monday, April 16, 2007

Student Gen: Loosing Hamlet in Time

"Shakespeare meant . . . to represent the effects of great action laid upon a soul unfit for the performance of it. . . . A lovely, pure, noble and most moral nature, without the strength of nerve which forms a hero, sinks beneath a burden which it cannot bear and must not cast away. All duties are too holy for him; the present is too hard. Impossibilities have been required of him; not in themselves impossibilities, but such for him. He winds and turns, and torments himself; he advances and recoils; is ever put in mind, ever puts himself in mind; at last does all but lose his purpose from his thoughts; yet still without recovering his peace of mind."

(Johnston, Ian. “English 366: Studies in Shakespeare.” Introduction Lecture on Shakespeare’s Hamlet. 2001. Malaspina-University. February 27, 2001

Throughout reading the play Hamlet, Shakespeare has the reader question their thoughts about Hamlet and his mental sanity. Do you believe Hamlet was ever at any point of the play actually insane, or was he just putting on an antic disposition?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Discussion 8 - Driving Hamlet in Act 5

Hamlet finally gets into the drivers seat in Act 5. It's now time for you to get into the driver's seat of our class blog.
For Discussion 8, I would like 10 students to create 5 blog entries. The rest of the class is responsible to respond twice (250 words each), anywhere they see fit.
  1. Yes, 10 / 5 = 2.
  2. Yes, 2 means a pair.
  3. Yes, I mean work in groups of 2.
  4. Yes, I mean a blog entry, not a comment.
  5. Yes, I mean in our class blog.
  6. Yes, If you're not part of a pair writing the blog entry, you are writing 2 250 word responses to any of the 5 student generated blog entries.
This opportunity will present itself again until all students have been given a chance to create entries for other units.

Notable Quotes has moved / Lables added

I have moved the Notable Quotes. You'll find them as a "comment" to a blog entry. I also started using blogger lables, this should help with indexing the blog.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Discussion 7 - Hamlet Act 4, Loose ends

From the Falcon Shakespeare:

The first five scenes of act 4 present the consequences of the murder of Polonius: Hamlet's banishment, Ophelia's madness, and Laertes' return. The remaining two scenes show the results of Hamlet's unexpected return ... Now the forces opposed to Hamlet are once more in the ascendant, we wonder whether their schemes will be carried out successfully and whether Hamlet can in any way circumvent his enemies and achieve his purpose.

There can only be 6 students per topic:

  1. How does Ophelia's madness compare with that of Hamlet?
  2. How does Hamlet differ from Laertes and Fortinbras?
  3. Show that Claudius is courageous, resourceful and unscrupulous in his behavior during act 4.
  4. Although Hamlet himself does not appear in the last three scenes of this act, show that we are not permitted to forget him.
  5. Who has the advantage in act 4, Hamlet or Claudius?

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Discussion 6 - To be or not to be. Aye, there's the point.

Hamlet delivers 3 soliloquies in the first 3 acts of Hamlet. Explain how the three soliloquies build towards the explosion of action which is act 3 of Hamlet. Focus your response on the soliloquy in act 3.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Bonus Discussion 5 - A Comedy of Masks

In J. Dover Wilson's What Happens in Hamlet(1935), Wilson states, "The second act of Hamlet is comedy; a comedy of masks." Comment on this statement.

Discussion 5 - Aspects of Hamlet Act 2

There are 5 choices for this weeks blog, therefore there can only be six students per choice.
Please indicate you choice by reserving it in this week's thread.

  1. Show that Hamlet is insane Act 2.
  2. Show that Hamlet is sane in Act 2.
  3. Discuss the parallelism of Hamlet, Laertes and Forinbras by the end of Act 2.
  4. Who has the advantage in the play by the end of Act 2, Hamlet or Claudius?
  5. Explain the significance of Ophelia by the end of Act 2.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Discussion 4 - Your thoughts on Act 1 of Hamlet

The foundation of Hamlet is laid in Act 1.
I would like to know what you think is the most interesting aspect of Act 1.

  • Language
  • Plot
  • Dramatic devices
  • Characterization
  • Anything of considerable importance that you've noticed
Please use MLA citations, and the formal paragraph structure that I have given you in class. Make sure you have a clearly stated thesis from which you argue your opinion(Yes, your opinion ... yes, you can use 'I', judiciously).

This may be a good time to try some of the rhetorical devices I have given you.

This blog cannot exceed 500 words.
The due date has been extended to Wednesday March 28.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Bonus Discussion 3 - Hunting Findley

Follow the instructions for Discussion 3 (March 2007).

Choose any motif and part number not chosen by anyone yet. You can do as many bonus postings as you want. For example, if you would like to track Animals / Animal Imagery in Part 1 for Discussion 3, you may choose to continue this in Part 2 (This would count as one bonus assignment).

However, you do not have to track the same motif that you tracked in Discussion 3. For example, if you tracked Animal / Animal Imagery in Part 1, you may choose as a bonus to look at Photographs / Paintings / Artwork in Part 4 and Part 5 ( Yes, this would count as 2 bonuses).

You must indicate in the Discussion 3 (March 2007) discussion your intention for the bonus. Do not reserve your bonus topic in this posting. Reserve your bonus topic in Discussion 3 (March 2007).

Post only your finished bonus post in this thread.

This bonus is due on the last Sunday of the March Break. That gives you one standard week, and one extra week before warning letters to complete this bonus assignment.

Discussion 3 - Hunting Findley

Scholarly writings and criticisms of Findley are sparse. Although The Wars is studied perennially across Canada in high schools everywhere, it becomes challenging for students to acquire critical readings of The Wars. This weeks blog assignment will prepare you for your own criticism of Findley reoccurring motifs.

As you know, your Culminating Activity for ENG4U1 is a comparative essay. As you read the texts for this essay, you have been asked to keep a dialectical journal of each novel. If you have questions about your dialectical journal, please see the Culminating Activity package for a detailed explanation.

To help you in your dialectical journal writing, you will writing annotations for The Wars in this weeks blog assignment.

Using the topic list at the end of this posting, I would like you to compile a list (yes, an actual list, nothing else) of textual examples. Analysis in not required.

An example entry would be:

Part 1 Animals / Animal Imagery "In her lap she holds a large white rabbit."(7)

  1. State which part of the novel your finding comes from.
  2. Use the motif as I have listed them in the Topic List at the bottom of this post.
  3. Use quotation marks to encapsulate the actual quote.
  4. Use parentheses to indicate the page number.
  5. Everyone must have a unique motif and part number. That is, Part 1 Violence is different than Part 5 Violence.
  6. You can reserve you motif and part number as soon as you want. Post it here, in this thread.
  7. When your assignment is ready, just delete your 'reservation' post, and submit your real one.

The following short excerpts were taken from easily accessible Internet sources. Please read them before you continue, noting the bold text in each excerpt:

"It came as something of a shock, when gathering these stories for collective publication Dinner Along the Amazon (1984)], to discover that for over thirty years of writing my attention has turned again and again to the same unvarying gamut of sounds and images. They not only turn up here in this present book, but in my novels, too. I wish I hadn't noticed this. In fact, it became an embarrassment and I began to wonder if I should file A CATALOGUE OF PERSONAL OBSESSIONS. The sound of screen doors banging; evening lamplight; music held at a distance -- always being played on a gramaphone; letters written on blue-tinted note paper; robins making forays onto summer lawns to murder worms; photographs in cardboard boxes; Colt revolvers hidden in bureau drawers and a chair that is always falling over. What does it mean? Does it mean that here is a writer who is hopelessly uninventive? Appallingly repetitive? Why are the roads always dusty in the man's work -- why is it always so hot -- why can't it RAIN? And my agent was once heard to moan aloud as she was reading through the pages of a television script I had just delivered: "Oh God, Findley -- not more rabbits!"

Library and Archives Canada (

The Wars remains his most-discussed book. Based partly on the war-time correspondence of his uncle, Thomas Irving Findley, and on family photos, he wrote the novel in guise of a researcher trying to reconstruct the story of Robert Ross, a soldier of the Great War. The book explores many of the obsessions that colour all his writing: violence, loneliness, a concern for animal rights, and the survival of the individual in a world of madness. Findley believes that a writer has a responsibility to speak out about what is wrong with society.

Library and Archives Canada (

His writing, typical of the Southern Ontario Gothic genre, was heavily influenced by Jungian psychology, and mental illness, gender and sexuality were frequent recurring themes in his work. His characters often carried dark personal secrets, and were often conflicted — sometimes to the point of psychosis — by these burdens.

Wikipedia (

Southern Ontario Gothic is a sub-genre of the Gothic novel genre and a feature of Canadian literature that comes from Southern Ontario.

Writers of this sub-genre include Alice Munro, Timothy Findley, Douglas Cooper, Margaret Atwood, Robertson Davies, Jane Urquhart, Marian Engel, James Reaney, Susan Swan, George Elliott, Graeme Gibson and Barbara Gowdy.

Like the Southern Gothic of American writers such as William Faulkner, Flannery O'Connor and Eudora Welty, Southern Ontario Gothic analyzes and critiques social conditions such as race, gender, religion and politics, but in a Southern Ontario context. Actions and people that act against humanity, logic, and morality all are portrayed unfavorably, and one or more characters may be suffering from some form of mental illness.

Some (but not all) writers of Southern Ontario Gothic use supernatural or magic realist elements; a few deviate from realism entirely, in the manner of the fantastical gothic novel. Virtually all dwell to a certain extent upon the grotesque.

Wikipedia (

Topic List

Loneliness / The Journey to Identity
Jungian Psychology
Social / Political Commentary
Animals / Animal Imagery
Mental Illness / Madness
Gender / Sexuality
Photographs / Paintings / Artwork
Any motif from Findley's 'Catalogue of Personal Obsessions'
Any motif's from the Southern Ontario Gothic Mode

This assignment is due on the last Sunday of the March Break. That gives you one standard week, and one extra week before warning letters to complete this assignment.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Bonus Discussion 2 - Photographs are worth one thousand words

Go to's picture archive at

There are over 3000 pictures for you to look at. I would like you to find one photo and describe it as if you were writing a letter home from World War 1.

Please note that the menu for the vintage photographs is located on the right hand side. When you have selected an theme, for example Battlegrounds, notice that there are nine pages of images to explore. The menu for page flipping is locate either at the top of the images or the bottom of the images.

Discussion 2 - World War I Poetry

World War 1 poetry is a genre of poetry which flourished in the horror of the First World War. Written predominantly by soldiers in the field, World War 1 poetry struck a chord with readers at home because it portrayed the reality of, The Great War.

As you read Findley's The Wars, I would like you to read World War 1 poetry and write a blog entry.

Your blog posting must include in this order:
  • The poem (including title, poet's name, date)
  • Your response
  1. Everyone must have a unique poem.
  2. You can reserve your poem by posting the title of the poem you would like to use as soon as you want. Post it here, in this thread.
  3. When your assignment is ready, just delete your 'reservation' post, and submit your real one.

In your response, I would like you to use the following guide to structure your posting.

A Framework for Responding to Poetry


  • Briefly introduce the title of the poem and name of the poet.
  • Try to classify the type of poem it is e.g. sonnet, ballad, haiku, acrostic, shape, lyric, ode, limerick, elegy, dramatic monologue etc.
  • Briefly explain the subject of the poem.

Point One: Explore the Themes of the Poem

  • Try to group the ideas in the poem is there a story that the poem tells?
  • What do you think the poem is about?

Point Two: Imagery used to express themes

  • What are the pictures in the poem?
  • Are metaphors/similes used to explain ideas?
  • Are the five senses used to evoke certain reactions in the reader?

Point Three: Form and Structure

  • How is the poem organised e.g. lines, verses, layout and shape.
  • Why has the poet decided to structure the ideas in this way e.g. the sequence of ideas, length of lines, patterns etc.

Point Four: Rhyme and Rhythm

  • How does the poem rhyme? E.g. abab or aabb etc.
  • What is the rhythm of the poem when read aloud?
  • Why has the poet chosen this rhyme and rhythm to express these ideas?

Point Five: Language Patterns

  • Think about the sound of the poem and choice of words
  • The poet uses specific words because they have a certain association in the reader's mind.
  • Look out for alliteration, onomatopoeia, assonance, personification, symbolism. How has the poet grouped words to achieve a desired effect?

Conclusion: Poet's message

  • What is the poet trying to communicate to the reader?
  • How effective are the devices/language that he uses?
  • What is your response to the poem?

I suggest trying the school library or the public library before you try the searching the Internet for poems.

Please note, if you use a search engine to look for poetry, please note that "one", "1", and "I" all give different results.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Bonus Discussion 1 - Career of a Salesman

Read Kerrane's "Arthur Miller vs. Columbia Pictures: The Strange Case of Career of a Salesman" and discuss the implications of Career of a Salesman. Use examples from the screenplay that Kerrane found to help you support your ideas. The essay can be found on our course web site.

Wikipedia and sources

A quick note regarding Wikipedia, and other sources:

  • Primary sources include the actual text.
  • Secondary sources deal with criticisms or analysis of primary sources.
  • Any encyclopedic source is considered a tertiary source.

Tertiary sources are not to be used in this course as a replacement for either primary or secondary sources. I have given you these Wikipedia links because they are quick and effective starting points.

That's all that a tertiary source can ever be.

Wikipidia, a dictionary, an encyclopedia or a textbook are to be considered as reference points only. The validity of an open contribution encyclopedia like Wikipedia cannot be easily dismissed. That is not my intention, neither is it my intention to champion it. Wikipedia is a tool like the internet itself. Part of developing your literacy is your ability to collect information from a wide variety of sources.

Discussion 1 - Considering Miller

We have spent the first two weeks of ENG4U1 reading and thinking about Miller's Death of a Salesman. We have also talked about Modernism, Ancient Greek drama, the American Dream, and we have begun to deal with the elements of tragedy.

Before you transition from this landmark play to the next text, you should give Death of a Salesman a little more consideration before you write your first paper for this class.

There are three options for this first blog assignment. The essays can be found on our course web site.

It would be beneficial to you to read each question, then it's accompanying essay. This will help you to decide which topic you would like to approach.

1. Read Zoglin's "American Tragedy" and discuss Zoglin's thesis. I have included these starting points to help you formulate your response.
  • Identify Zoglin's thesis, and trace his attempt to support it
  • Elia Kazan's response to Miller
  • Modernism - the wikipedia article for modernism can be found here
  • Ibsen - the wikipedia article for Ibsen can be found here

2. Read Miller's "The 'Salesman' Has a Birthday" and discuss Miller's thesis. I have included these starting points to help you formulate your response.
  • Note the date of the essay
  • "And an old insistence - sometimes difficult to summon, but there none the less - that we will find a way beyond fear of each other, beyond bellicosity, a way into our humanity"
  • Miller coming to terms with what he had written
  • The realization of the script, from idea to production
  • Miller's thoughts on the play's theme

3. Read Ferris' "A Conversation With Arthur Miller" and discuss Miller's response to Ferris' questions. I have included these starting points to help you formulate your response.
  • Note the date of the interview
  • The role of the artist in society
  • How "one person's story can transcend itself"
  • The effect of Death of a Salesman on drama
  • The dramatic works mentioned in the essay / the nature of drama
  • Saul Burry
  • The theme of Fathers and Sons
  • "There is an old rule of psychology that if something doesn't meet resistance, it is probably not true." How does this response link with "the public role of the artist"
Note, there are three choices for Assignment 1. Once 10 people have submitted responses to a specific topic, that topic will be closed.