Mr. Liconti's ENG4U1 class blog Mr. Liconti's ENG4U Resources

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Changeover complete

Two days before the start of the second semester! As you can tell by looking at the archive dates, this blog has been dormant since the end of 2006. With a new 4U class on the way, I will begin editing this blog. The first order of business is switching over from the Beta version of
Welcome to the non-beta version of Blogger! The changeover allows me to use templates that allow for the 'minima stretch' template which makes large text blocks easier to read. If you were part of the first group that tried this experiment with me, then you'll notice the difference. The new blogger templates also has a collapsing archive date menu which is more functional than the old one.
A course web page is slowly taking shape. It will house documents, hand-outs and assignments. The URL is, or click here.

Note: the new URL for the website is

I have been playing with the site feed feature, and after reading about some clever hacks, I figured out how to have my most recent comments and most recent posts to be displayed.